Saturday, December 28, 2019
Gandhi Vs. Greek Heroes - 936 Words
The definition of heroes has been evolved variously through the ages. Greeks defined heroes as brave, strong men or demigods who accomplished great quests during their lives. People nowadays may define heroes as people who are changing the world to become a better place. A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.1 Both Greek heroes and modern day heroes complete tasks which are nearly impossible for a normal human. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who was the leader of activists in getting India independence from Britain, is a great hero to many people. Although Gandhi and Greek heroes have many similar and different aspects about being a hero, there are great reasons what make Gandhi superior. Both Gandhi and Greek heroes have great perseverance and endurance to achieve their goals. Gandhi was imprisoned many times in his life, but he never gave up, and tried his best to achieve India Independence and peace. One of his great efforts is â€Å"The Salt Satyagraha†which he marched 200 miles which was accompanied by thousands of people because the British imposed a tax on salt and made it illegal for Indians to produce from sea water.2 Greek heroes also had great perseverance in completing their quests. Jason, for example, complete a quest to get the Golden Fleece by enduring all difficulties and dangers and Heracles also completed his twelve labors because of his great perseverance and effort. Therefore, perseverance and hard work are importantShow MoreRelatedQualitative Research and Celebrity Endorsement24767 Words  | 100 Pagesproduct type. It is known to be playing the role of a signalling strategy. (Mustafa, 2005). Also According to Reynolds (2000) celebrity endorsement can give a brand a touch of glamour. Everything said and done, one have to weigh the potential risks vs. the potential rewards as celebrity endorsements are always a high-risk, high-reward situation and there is always a human element that you might not know about.( Miller 1994) 1.2 Research Aim The topic of celebrity endorsements and its elementsRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesnext three chapters of the book describe how: (a) leaderNurture your mind with great ship is an interaction between the leader, the followers, and the thoughts. To believe in the heroic situation; (b) leadership develops through experience; and makes heroes. (c) leadership can be assessed and studied. The remainder of the Benjamin Distaeli, book uses the leader–follower-situation interaction model deBritish prime minister, 1874–1880 scribed in Chapter 2 as a framework for organizing and discussing variousRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 Pagesofficials, and board of generals, indicates an appreciation of various managerial functions. Socrates’ definition of management as a skill separate from technical knowledge and experience is remarkably close to our current understanding of it. The Greek influence on scientific management is revealed in their writings; for example, Plato wrote about specialization, and Socrates described management issues.3 In ancient Rome, the complexity of a huge empire demanded the use of management techniques.Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pages269 United Chemical Company 269 Byron vs. Thomas 271 Active Listening Exercise 272 SKILL APPLICATION 274 Activities for Communicating Supportively Suggested Assignments 274 Application Plan and Evaluation 274 274 SCORING KEYS AND COMPARISON DATA 276 Communicating Supportively 276 Scoring Key 276 Comparison Data 276 Communication Styles 276 Comparison Data 276 SKILL PRACTICE Diagnosing Problems and Fostering Understanding: United Chemical Company and Byron vs. Thomas 278 Observer’s Feedback FormRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pages.............................................................................. 299 CHAPTER 10 Deductive Reasoning .......................................................................................... 312 x Implying with Certainty vs. with Probability ................................................................................ 312 Distinguishing Deduction from Induction ..................................................................................... 319 Review of MajorRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesavoid recognizing the capabilities of all women†(Shaarawi 1987, 131). In India a mass movement for independence developed after World War I, increasingly led by the single figure of Mohandas Gandhi. This movement marked a shift from the traditional strategies of the Indian Congress of which Gandhi was a member and which for much of its existence aimed for reforms in British policy in South Asia. After the war, the movement came to include millions of former servicemen and ordinary people
Friday, December 20, 2019
Case Study Coaching Initiatives Fail - 1318 Words
Summary Coaching is a purposeful connection with another human that supports immediate change and stimulates long term sustainable results (Mann, S., Smith, S., 2015, p.36) Mentoring is a way to make employees feel more fulfilled, engaged and productive in the work environment (Retrieved from It is important to note that there is a difference between a coach and mentor and managers and supervisors who go the extra mile to work with these individuals are the true mentors. Mentoring focuses more on the future and a broader skill for personal or career development, whereas coaching focuses more on current problems. Being a mentor is a responsibility that the person choses to†¦show more content†¦However, by encouraging a learning culture through coaching and mentoring, companies ensure that employees take an active role in sharing knowledge and best practices throughout their organization. The collective nature of coaching and mentoring helps develop employees and interpersonal links between individuals in an organization which increases engagement. Corporate coaching and mentoring enables both career and leadership development to help employees develop new skills and feel engaged within the organization. Many organizations are turning to coaching and mentoring prog rams to develop talent. These programs connect the value of internal employee resources to develop others, which saves time, cost and increases overall employee satisfaction and productivity. However, it can really help engage individuals and develop their ability to learn which is a key indicator of what leadership performance and potential is. Human Resource Development (HRD) is the main structure for assisting employees in developing their personal and professional skills, knowledge, and abilities. Coaching and mentoring is important to HRD because its main focus is developing a superior workforce in order for the organization and its employees to be able to accomplish their goals through the employees. Organizations who actively try to ensure that their employees are motivated and properly developed have a low turnover rate. Example In my previous
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Critique of Neil Postman-Technolopoly free essay sample
In Chapter 1 of Neil Postman’s Technoloply, Postman believes that technology alters our world because it is controlled by individuals who do not want the rest of the world to know how technology is controlled in an effort to keep the power centralized. Postman also discusses the negativity that technology has taken in our society; this negativity is determined because Postman feels that technology is too open and not controlled enough. In an effort to dissect these claims, you must first get past the lethargic wording in the chapter which seems to be drawn out and ambiguous. However, Postman rationalizes his beliefs by expressing the disadvantages of technology in our society. Although, Postman feels so strongly about how technology has become a burden, he does attempt to raise a few advantages of technology, but it is not enough to be convincing that he sees these as actual advantages to society. Summary: Postman begins this chapter with the story by Plato of Thamus in an effort to illustrate his purpose on speaking about Technology and its destruction. We will write a custom essay sample on Critique of Neil Postman-Technolopoly or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Postman recognizes the value of technology on our society, but just like Thamus, Postman believes that technology should be controlled and limited as he believes that technology is too accessible. That access, as explained by Postman, raises issues with regards to security of identity and on one’s own personal livelihood. Postman goes on to state that technology and computers have in fact damaged our society in a sense that no one other than the creators of technology can control technology. This statement raises the question of whether or not technology can really be controlled. However, Postman does not discuss this belief, he instead leaves this question as a cliff hanger in his argument. Assessment Response: While Postman’s piece is a bit painstakingly boring, in the sense that he rambles on and on to make a point, this makes it very easy to lose focus on the topic at hand. For instance, in the opening of the chapter when he uses the metaphor of Thamus, he does not clearly state the purpose of this until well into the chapter. While the comparison of Thamus and his feelings towards writing may have been somewhat of a comparison, I do not feel it was the best comparison as Postman speaks endlessly about Thamus and his views on writing. Postman does mention some of the advantages but mostly disadvantages of technology in our society. For example, Postman points out how technology has increased the power of major organizations. He uses the armed forces to point out how valuable, resourceful, and indispensable computers and technology have become. Postman does not mention the effects of technology on education and the creation of new jobs as we move forward into the technology age where almost everything is ran by computers. However, Postman does indicates how technology takes away from the human world, by making jobs obsolete, by ending professions that were once prestigious and prevalent, and by intruding on the lives of individuals. Although Postman makes these claims, he does not clearly state the basis behind these claims. I understand many of Postman’s points especially when he states the disadvantages of computers and technology. The internet has become an uncontrollable force that allows identities to be stolen and created, a way to become less sociable and to hide behind a computer. In the sense of the health of society, obesity and diabetes are becoming more prevalent since people do not get out and move anymore. Before technology became so mainstream, physical activity was a daily force because everything was not left at our fingertips. For example, there was no online research, you had to go to the library to get the sources that you needed for research; there was no social networking, you actually went outside and played with your peers; and there was no sending if emails, you actually had to write a letter and go to the post office to mail it. While these circumstances are the case, I find it difficult to sympathize, especially when I see different occupations and specialties being created due to the changing technological world. Whereas I did not grow up with computers, but just introduced, my children are growing up with technology and computers at the forefront. It is becoming a necessity to know and understand the technological age. Postman has not convinced me that technology and computers are evil and destructive to the world, as I see things differently. I see the growing organizations that can now take their businesses globally due to the expansion in technology. I see the clothing industries, for instance, becoming more efficient and advanced by being able to create different looks and cuts and set distribution faster. Although I do agree with Postman that technology does have a lot of negative aspects, I can definitely take the position on saying that I like the changes that technology brings. The advantages of technology far outweigh the disadvantages as they focus on the long term effects. While the disadvantages prove to be disturbing at best, the advantages of technology prove to be more and more impressive as it adds to our society and enhances our culture by allowing us to see beyond our city, state, or country. We now have access to the world, to see different cultures, to experience different aspects of life, to be able to help and provide to those countries that are less fortunate than ours. We now have access to learn about our history, government, to find out about our heritages. These are just a few examples of how technology is moving in a more positive light. These are the types of things Postman did not consider before making his judgment on the negative aspects of technology.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Ek Ruka Hua Faisla - Review free essay sample
E’Ek rukaa hua faisla’’ , remake of Hollywood classic ’’Twelve angry men’’ an Oscar Winning Film widely used in Management Schools corporate for understanding ‘HUMAN BEHAVIOR’ and â€Å"LEADERSHIP STYLES’ †¦.. Let’s take a look at the plot first to be familiar with this movie. The movie starts from a scene in a jury room where 12 jury members are discussing the case for the final verdict. The case is regarding a murder of an old man and the suspect is his own son. Everything from the statement of witnesses to debate of lawyers has already finished. And as they are reaching verdict and counting votes.. 11 said guilty and 1 said not guilty. Now the whole movie revolves around this 1 person who is standing on his ground for voting not guilty. He explains that he is neutral in his judgment and unless he is satisfied he won’t vote guilty. And gradually with his common sense, thinking and debating power ( Advocacy skills ) he changed the mind of other jury members until finally they all voted not guilty. This movie is special especially because it portrays the thinking of 12 different people from 12 different aspects of society, from self-made guy coming from the slums to famous doctor to elite class people. In these 12 jury members, everyone was so careless to reach their decision except that 12th person. They are so preoccupied with their personal problems or engagements that they do not understand the gravity of their decision. 1 person’s life is on stake. yes, the accused guy could be real culprit or maybe not. But they should not just let the guy to be hanged only because they were getting late for a movie or a game or for dinner party, etc. Sometimes the plot do get interesting when that lone ranger (12th jury member) is highlighting the broken links in the statements of witnesses and the case put together by public-prosecutor against the accused. You get the feeling that this guy could do wonders if he were a real lawyer and whether the lawyer for the accused was so stupid. The movie touch the hearts of everyone who watches it. It shows how unsafe we all really are. How much we lie to our self just to feel safe and strong , and how weak we really are. You can relate yourself to each and every one of that jury member. Each person is a manifestation of your in different situations you can find yourself in your daily routine life. And it horrifies you to realise that how prejudiced and careless you have become to other humans and their feelings. You are not wrong in any way.. but you have to be understanding enough and responsible enough to take other’s point of view into account too when reaching a major decision that could effect other’s life. The message is very clear. Do not reach any decision just for the heck of it. Do take time to think and be as neutral as possible. You really feel so sick when you see and hear the remarks of the other jury members and why some of them want the boy to be punished. Just because the guy from elite class think that this boy belongs to slums and so they must be destroyed to make 1 person less against the fight for exploitation. The doctor thinks that these guys are good for nothing and it’s better that the boy should be punished for making this world more safe and clean. But The main character is the jury member who is most difficult to change his decission, Pankaj kapoor (who i am sure was quite young when he acted in this movie), is really amazing in his portrayal of a hurt father who is prejudiced about the accused boy because his own son had been disrespectful to him and even slapped him. And in the end, you really wonder.. this is a movie so there has to be poetic justice. But in this real world, can you really be impartial and neutral while making every decision? i know and you know too.. t’s next to impossible.. that 12th jury member, the ideal human being , only exist in the movie. It’s hard to find anybody who can be impartial in decisions which do not effect their own life. So, the real decision here to be made is to be positive and unbiased and not to be influenced by our preconceived notions in making important decisions. I am glad that i get to share my views with all of you guys. I would totally recommend this movie to eve ryone. and i mean everyone. This movie is worth watching at least once for your development. ttp://www. slideshare. net/prkworld/ek-ruka-hua-faisla The model is represented as a grid with concern for production as the [x-axis]] and concern for people as the Y-axis; each axis ranges from 1 (Low) to 9 (High). The resulting leadership styles are as follows: * The indifferent (previously called impoverished) style (1,1) : evade and elude. In this style, managers have low concern for both people and production. Managers use this style to preserve job and job seniority, protecting themselves by avoiding getting into trouble. The main concern for the manager is not to be held responsible for any mistakes, which results in less innovative decisions. * The accommodating (previously, country club) style (1,9): yield and comply. This style has a high concern for people and a low concern for production. Managers using this style pay much attention to the security and comfort of the employees, in hopes that this will increase performance. The resulting atmosphere is usually friendly, but not necessarily very productive. * The dictatorial (previously, produce or perish) style (9,1): control and dominate. With a high concern for production, and a low concern for people, managers using this style find employee needs unimportant; they provide their employees with money and expect performance in return. Managers using this style also pressure their employees through rules and punishments to achieve the company goals. This dictatorial style is based on Theory X of Douglas McGregor, and is commonly applied by companies on the edge of real or perceived failure. This style is often used in cases of crisis management. * The status quo (previously, middle-of-the-road) style (5,5): balance and compromise. Managers using this style try to balance between company goals and workers needs. By giving some concern to both people and production, managers who use this style hope to achieve suitable performance but doing so gives away a bit of each concern so that neither production nor people needs are met. * The sound (previously, team style) (9,9): contribute and commit. In this style, high concern is paid both to people and production. As suggested by the propositions of Theory Y, managers choosing to use this style encourage teamwork and commitment among employees. This method relies heavily on making employees feel themselves to be constructive parts of the company. * The opportunistic style: exploit and manipulate. Individuals using this style, which was added to the grid theory before 1999, do not have a fixed location on the grid. They adopt whichever behaviour offers the greatest personal benefit. * The paternalistic style: prescribe and guide. This style was added to the grid theory before 1999. In The Power to Change, it was redefined to alternate between the (1,9) and (9,1) locations on the grid. Managers using this style praise and support, but discourage challenges to their thinking * Grid theory breaks behavior down into seven key elements: Element| Description| Initiative| Taking action, driving and supporting| Inquiry| Questioning, researching and verifying understanding| Advocacy| Expressing convictions and championing ideas| Decision Making| Evaluating resources, choices and consequences| Conflict Resolution| Confronting and resolving disagreements| Resilience| Dealing with problems, setbacks and failures| Critique| Delivering objective, candid feedback|
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