Thursday, November 28, 2019
It has been a long-standing view Essay Example
It has been a long-standing view Essay It has been a long-standing view that people of all ages act differently according to their sex. This fits in with the way they naturally want to behave and the way in which society expects them to behave. Studies have been carried out over the years to test whether infants as young as nine months display these social and emotional differences. For example (Robson, Pederson Moss 1969) showed that girls displayed a fear for strangers at a younger age than boys did. The problem with this test, and others like it, is that the gender of the child was known by the people who were rating its emotional responsiveness. This study echoes that of Condry Condry (1976), where the people who were rating the child were actively deceived as to the sex of the child. The idea behind this is to see whether we perceive these differences in behaviour because the child is of a particular sex. In other words, whether it is the beholder who sees behavioural differences because he expects to see them. If this is found to be true, it would provide a useful insight into how children pick up their behaviour patterns. I.e. how their behaviour is shaped by the adults around them. We will write a custom essay sample on It has been a long-standing view specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on It has been a long-standing view specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on It has been a long-standing view specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is expected that this study will backup the findings from the Condry and Condry study, and that, therefore, the same gender stereotypes still exist. It is believed that the results will confirm that the participants rate the emotional response of the child differently depending on what sex they believe it to be. METHOD PARTICIPANTS The participants in this study were all first year university students studying psychology. 62 people rated the child and a random sample of 20 was taken from this group. Half of these believed the child to be a boy, and half believed it was a girl. Every effort was made to ensure that a similar number of males were on each side of the divide. In the end, out of the sample of twenty, there were six males. Two of who believed that the child was a boy. MATERIALS The child was recorded responding to four different toys. A teddy, a large doll, a snapping face and a noisy singing dog. The video recording of the child responding to the various stimuli was played over a video projector. This allowed all of the participants to rate the child at exactly the same time. To facilitate the rating of the child, a tick sheet was used. This instructed the participant to rate the child out of ten for the following emotions; anger, pleasure and fear. An instruction sheet was also given to the participants. One half of the instruction sheets told the participant that the child was a boy, and the other half told them that it was a girl. (See appendix B) DESIGN The independent variable in this experiment was the perceived sex of the child i.e. the sex the participant believed the child to be. The dependant variable was the ratings on the tick sheets that the participants gave. Out of the variables that were controlled, the noise level and the timing of when the participants saw the video were fixed, so as to ensure no collaboration. It was important that neither half of the class knew that the sex of the child may be different to what was indicated on the instruction sheet. As previously mentioned, care was also taken to ensure that there was an even number of males on both sides of the split in population. PROCEDURE A baby (dressed in such a way so as to disguise its sex) was stimulated with four toys. Firstly a teddy, then a doll, thirdly a snapping face toy, and finally a noisy singing dog. The experimenter presented, and then took away each toy from the child. This was done five times for each toy. This whole procedure was recorded on tape. The group of participants was split into two without them being aware. One half of the group were given a set of instructions informing them that the child was a boy and the other half were informed that the child was a girl. Both groups were given a tick sheet as described above. The video was shown to both groups at the same time, and complete silence was insisted upon. The groups saw the child respond to each toy, and after the fifth presentation, were asked to rate the responsiveness of the child for anger, pleasure and fear. After they had done that, the video started again and they saw the infant respond to the next stimulus. RESULTS Table 1 shows the mean responsiveness and standard deviations for each of the emotions for both boy and girl models. This data was formed by taking twenty random tick sheets (ten from each group) and calculating the mean and standard deviation from these, (see appendix A). We also calculated an overall emotional responsiveness score.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
MOLAA essays
MOLAA essays Field Research Project: Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) The Historical site that I chose to visit was the Museum of Latin American Art otherwise known as MOLAA. I decided on this specific site partly due to my personal interest in the arts, but also because the museum itself reflects the history of Latin American leadership in the arts and politics. If that wasnt interesting enough the museums local was also a surprise as it was built upon a 1930s art deco roller rink and a 1920s silent movie studio. This only draws you close enough until you enter and are overwhelmed with all the historic stories told through oil, wood, iron, ceramic clay, and stone. Through those double glass doors I entered and was suddenly filled with overflowing Latino pride as I was taken back by a portrait of Emiliano Zapata, entitled Un Doble Estudio De Zapata Para El Mural De La Revolucion (1958- 1959). It was odd as I found myself staring at this painting of a man that has represented so much to the Mexican public as well as to many other Latino cultures abroad. I could see how the artist, David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896- 1974) used his greens, whites, and reds to show his Mexican patriotism and revolutionary activism. He used propylene which is a kind of paint that dries with amazing speed. As I read Siqueiros mini biography alongside his Zapata painting I could not help but think of his true reason/ reasons for creating it. I soon discovered that David Alfaro Siqueiros was considered one of the Artistic Masters of the twentieth century. In my eyes he was a pioneer in his own right since he was a young man. At the age of fifteen he was already involved with in the Artistic Studies and political activism and led an organized group of young revolutionaries , called the Congress of Soldier Artists. David Alfaro Siqueiros alongside Diego Rivera and Javier Guerrero started El Machete, a ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Asperser Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Asperser Syndrome - Essay Example Asperser Syndrome Understanding of students and pupils by particular teachers is equally significant in repairing relation and socialization of different learners. Aspergers Syndrome is one such disorder that calls for teacher’s attention in determining the appropriate methods of ensuring perfect service delivery to all students in a school set up. In the views of Donaldson, Asperger Syndrome is a serious disorder that interferes with the individuals’ socialization, communication and flexibility in behavioural and thinking that makes the victims process information in an awkward manner. Studying Asperger Syndrome in students enables the education officials to monitor and handle particular victims in a sensible manner with sole intents of motivating students to excel in studies. Studying Asperger Syndrome in students also enables teachers to encourage replenishment of communication skills of particular victims of AS. In order to achieve designed goals set by various education sectors in e nsuring that every youth obtain education in life, there are a number of policies, which every operation should roll when handling the Asperger Syndrome students. According to Madriaga et al (7), one of the policies set by the government extends to the higher education institutions given the responsibilities of enforcing the disability equality in various institutions. Creation of Disability Equality Duty has developed legal paths that can be followed by the higher education institutions protecting culture and encouraging diversity within various learning institutions.... It is important for teachers to get the necessary tools and equipments they need to enable them achieve exemplary practice in learning, teaching and carrying out assessment. This policy will ensure that teachers obtain deep and clear understanding of students with AS disorder and arrange for inclusion plan by allocating distinct time for teaching the AS students. Certain policies advocate for compulsory training of teachers on matters concerning AS since the formation of the Disability Discrimination Act. The policy further requires teachers to get trained on the other courses that relate to the safety measures of the AS students and environment in general. Coupled massive increase in population of the AS students joining higher education institutions, particular policy requires specific schools dealing with AS students to take responsibilities of transforming their specific environments into positive social arena. It is vital that governments allocate particular allowances for AS st udents who may intend to further their education into colleges and universities (Madriaga et al 7). The policy outlined also proposes that before AS students get admission into their respective higher education centres, they should get information on the contemporary allowance to assure them of their speciality in the society. These allowances will also encourage and motivate AS students who show exceptional determination and efforts to learn more. The policy further recommends that AS students should be accorded high attention in order to keep in line with the recurrent needs and supporting their creative thinking capabilities (Madriaga et al
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Wedding Trends and Financing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wedding Trends and Financing - Essay Example In sum, for many young people today, formal weddings are ill-advised from a financial point of view. Weddings have not changed that much in recent times. Young couples still buy rings, arrange formal receptions, and arrange for bridal clothing and accessories. There are cakes and food to prepare. What has changed, however, is the cost associated with formal weddings. Indeed, there are a number of worrisome trends associated with wedding planning and finances. As an initial matter, weddings are becoming more cost-prohibitive for young couples with modest incomes. A recent Conde Naste study demonstrates that more couples in this demographic group are choosing, both out of pride and out of necessity, to finance their weddings without direct assistance from parents (Hefty Price: 13). For young couples with modest savings, this has resulted in an additional trend. Many modern weddings are being financed on credit; that is, couples are using their credit cards and their personal credit lines to finance an event which is very brief and which has no return on investment. As stated in a recent investigative study, "Consolidated Credit, one of the country's five largest accredited agencies, reports that so far this year 5.2 percent of its 6,000 new customers have cited wedding debt as a reason for seeking credit counseling, double the rate of wedding-related cases the company took on in 2000, just before the last recession began" (Bayot: 1.1). It can be seen, therefore, that an additional trend is for wedding financing to cause young couples to turn to credit counselors and other external advisors. Significantly, there is no corresponding trend to seek professional financial advice earlier in the wedding planning process; instead, the trend is for the couples to recognize after-the-fact that they may have overextended themselves financially. Even when couples recognize beforehand the importance of creating a reasonable budget, there are other pressures which encourage extravagant spending. Some people have justified excessive spending as a matter of pride or as a matter of tradition. This gives rise to another trend, which is the desire of young couples to have a formal wedding in order to please older family members and friends. In sum, it can be seen that these trends, increasing costs and risky financing methods, can have several negative impacts. How the marriage handles these pressures and burdens is increasingly relevant. 1.2 Impact on Subsequent Marriage One study has stated that, "There has been no data collected on whether wedding debt is a factor in the increase in personal bankruptcies. But in some cases, such counseling is a step on the road toward bankruptcy" (Bayot: 1.1). Clearly, however, the new marriage is burdened with higher levels of debt. This makes the couple more vulnerable to downturns in the economy, more vulnerable to minor changes in interest rates, and less able to begin investing in productive assets. These debts may take from between five and ten years to pay off in their entirety. In the meantime, the subsequent marriage is characterized by sacrifice rather than growth. Disposable income is allocated to credit card interest and principal. It may become more difficult to have a child in the short-run. It may be impossible to purchase a house or to attain additional credit on favorable terms. In addition to these financial consequences, there may also be significant impacts on the emotional health of the spouses and the durability of the marriage itself. The financial strains may result in feelings of insecurity,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Chemistry Tasks Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Chemistry Tasks - Scholarship Essay Example 6. A conjugate acid base pair are the compounds formed by the removal or addition of a proton from the original compound. In the question, only H3O+ and OH- are not a conjugate acid base pair as there is a difference of 2 protons. 9. The aqueous solution of a salt would be acidic if the salt consists of the conjugate base of a strong acid and conjugate acid of a weak base. Therefore the aqueous solution of NH4F would result in a acidic solution. 12. The aqueous solution of a salt would be basic if the salt consists of the conjugate base of a weak acid and conjugate acid of a strong base. Therefore the aqueous solution of NaCH3CO2 would result in a basic solution as NaOH is a strong base and CH3COOH is a weak acid. 13. Arrhenius base is the substance that when added to water increases the concentration of OH- ions present in the solution. NH3 when added to water does not increase the concentration of OH- ions therefore it is not an Arrhenius base. 14. Arrhenius acid is the substance that when added to water increases the concentration of H+ ions present in the solution. Addition of FeCl3 to water would not increase the concentration of H+ ions in the solution, so it is not a Arrhenius acid. From this it is clear that the reaction moves in the forward direction, which means that HNO2 gets converted to NO2- and CH3COO- gets converted to CH3COOH. Therefore it is clear that CH3COOH is a weaker acid compared to HNO2. So for this reaction CH3COOH is the weakest acid. 17. We know that pH = -log[H+] therefore if the pH increases by 1. The H+ concentration would decrease exponentially by a factor of 10. 18. Molecular weight of Ba(OH)2 is 171.34 g/mole. Therefore the moles of Ba(OH)2 added would be (5/171.34) = 0.029 moles. Each mole of Ba(OH)2 would dissociate to give 2 moles of OH- ions. So, we have
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Handicrafts Industry In Nepal And Tibet Business Essay
The Handicrafts Industry In Nepal And Tibet Business Essay Based in Kathmandu Everest Handicraft distributor was established in 1998 with the aim of distributing fine Nepalese and Tibetan handicrafts. It collects different handicrafts goods made of woods, leathers, stones, clay, clothes, paper and different metals. Such type of goods are very popular and famous in different foreign markets such as Hong Kong, Korea, USA, UK, Japan and most of the European countries. Some of the goods include Nepalese knife (khukuri), Thankas, Tibetan woollen carpets, rugs, dolls, masks, crazy and fancy hates, cotton and hemp products, Buddhist religious items, wooden carved pictures and monuments, fine Nepalese pashmina and carpets. This business is targeted and directed to foreign citizens who like to collect different fascinating and exotic goods because these goods are made of hands and beautifully crafted and carved romantic pictures. Large number of tourists comes to visit Nepal and on the way to return they take some goods so that they remember their journey to Nepal. As this business is for foreign citizen, it has high potentiality in different overseas countries. In this modern era of globalisation, it is easier to expand goods and services in different foreign markets. So, I am planning to make my business global expanding it into Japan and America. 1.1 Political and Economic Overview As our business is going global and we are planning to develop into international market, the political and economic condition of such market is most important. As our business deals with domestic and industrial handicrafts, we studied it has good market opportunity in Japan and USA. Based on the constitutional monarchy system, Japan is industrialized; free-market economy is the second-largest in the world. Its economy is highly efficient and competitive in areas linked to international trade. ( It produces and distributes industrial and technological goods and services because it is technically far advanced country. Japanese per capita income is high and their purchasing power parity is also high. Japanese people like domestic and artistic handicrafts. Every year large quantity of domestic and industrial handicrafts is exported in Japanese market. They love foreign culture, tradition and they pay interest on studying its archaeological hist ory. They develop and produce high technological goods but they love small domestic handicrafts goods. The main purpose of such goods is for decoration, for archaeological study, for religion and for aesthetic as well as for domestic purpose. Therefore this business has good market in Japan. 1.1.1 XXXXX On the other hand, Nepalese handicrafts have been attracting in US market. These goods have been ideal in the American market too. Leading country of the world, America is practicing the free market economy. According to Country wise Export of Handicraft goods, Fiscal Year 2008/09 (Nepal), USA remains in the top rank to import handicrafts goods from Nepal. Including textiles (468567834) and non-textiles goods (403233845), America imported 871801679 goods from Nepal ( Federation of Handicrafts Association of Nepal, ( ). Nepalese handicrafts including bags and accessories, basketry products, glazed and non glazed earthenware ceramics, Christmas decorations are very famous in American market. Japan remained at the fourth rank to import handicraft goods from Nepal after USA, Germany and UK. Cultural Significance Culturally Nepal has remained as one of the multicultural, multi religious country where the country experiences the diversified geographic and ethnic community. Every tribe has their own custom, culture and they celebrate their special festivals. Different ethnic community produces different types of products which are collected in the market and exported in the foreign market. Though large number of population follows Hinduism, the people of Buddhist family is not low. Similarly Muslims and Christianity are also practised here. Comparing the overseas market, Japan and America with Nepal, Japan shares some of the Buddhism with Nepalese culture and the political situation is also somehow similar as both accept the parliamentary system. By virtue of their common Asian heritage, there is a strong cultural link between the people of Japan and Nepal. Asian values are deeply rooted in the society and people in both countries.( Similarly Japan widely follows western culture, tradition and values and it is happy to embrace Nepalese culture, custom and products. The huge success of Tokyo Disneyland is an example of Japanese acceptance of western culture. In the globalised era, countries are frequently moving each other country, set up their business in international market. So, culturally also Japan is the good overseas market to establish handicraft business. Likewise, USA practises democracy, human rights, and globalisation. As it is the top ranked country to accept handicraft goods from Nepal, religiously Americans are Christians and they enjoy with domestic handicraft goods along with Christmas decorations. Strategic Analysis Developing the business into overseas is a challenging task that coves the long legal, political, economic, cultural, social, strategical and ethical process. It includes the study of international market and product dimensions. In an answer, why it is challenging, John H Dunning writes, it is dominated by rapid and far reaching changes in technology and by environmental turbulence, this is no less true of successful practitioner (John H Dunning). Therefore it needs to examine outer forces as well as its strategic forces. As a response to these complications , Prof Dunning writes, a holistic and integrated approach to the creation and organisation of business wealth- the success of modern international co-operation is increasingly determined by the ability to organise natural resources, information, money and people across national boundaries, both within and between organisations. Geographically as well as culturally handicraft business has good market in Japan as both countries are located in the same continent and share somehow similar culture and religion. On the other hand, America represents the top rated market for Nepalese handicrafts goods. As America, a democratic country securing consumers basic rights has adopted free market economy and welcomes the free market economy. For example, Dixon Ticonderoga was an American reputed oldest public company produced pencils that became victim of globalisation. As it is exercising free market global economy, it is ready to face loss in the global competitive business world. Therefore globalising business is challenging task as the products are new to the market. The real concern for the global manager is how to design organisation to achieve effective global integration of business operations. (Kim, K, et, al The global integration of business functions: A study of multinational business in integrated global ind ustries, PP. 32 Business Entry strategy As a leading industrial nation, starting business in Japan is not difficult. If you have a unique and good quality product or service then by carefully controlling your starting costs you will be profitable in your first year in the Japanese market. Its that simple. The trick is understanding Japanese business and the mentality of Japanese businesspeople well enough to be able to control your costs. ( Japanese market is also free market competitive market; consumers purchasing power parity is also highly standard. Moreover they interest foreign culture, custom and tradition. The huge success of Tokyo Disneyland is an example of Japanese people following western culture. Government policies for international business market and company are flexible. The licensing and franchising, business registration, company registration process resemble Japans interest to attract international business. On the other hand, American market is big, the size of the country, the opportunities, and the sheer geographical size are fascinating factor to expand business in America. Every country has its unique culture, social system, economic, cultural, geographical, demographic factor which affect the business and the market economy of such country. Different business practices, business values, accepted ways of doing business, communication and varied legal structures must be taken into account. In addition, for geographically large countries like the US, cultural business differences must also be considered as what is said on the East Coast may mean something entirely different than the West Coast. ( ). Conclusion Globalising business and expanding it into overseas market culminates good result if done carefully and with lots of study and investigation. There are some cultural, social, geographical, moral, legal and ethical aspects. Though handicrafts business in America has been more profitable than any other countries because of its consumption and distribution in American market. Yet it is a vast country with some cultural, social and geographical diversities. Large companies also face crisis in American market. Enron represents as one of the most failure company in the history of America. Therefore it is more challenging to expand it to America even though it has highest sells. On the contrary, handicraft business in japan Refrences: Dunnings, John H. Kim, K.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Prostitution Should be Illegal Essay -- social issues
Prostitution Should be Illegal Prostitution should be cleaned off our streets. It first started in the early 1800’s. Prostitution is defined as providing sexual service, for the return of money. Exchange of money for sexual service. Heterosexual prostitution is the most common. Homosexual, gays and lesbians exists on smaller scales. Prostitution is a hazardous business. People selling themselves are at high risk. The women more then men. Both men and women are at risk in getting disease that has no cure. Prostitution all together should be stopped and put an end to. Prostitution takes place in many different places. Massage parlors, call-girl and call-men (also know as escort services), street prostitution, strip clubs, etc. It was believed that the most population in 1800’s was migrants. These migrants were mostly single men, husbands who left tem who left temporarily left their wives and children at home. Massage parlors were located close to railway stations. Prostitution increased during world war one when hardly and employment during world war one when hardly any employment for women was offered and it decreased during world war two for grater economic opportunities for lower-class women in war related industrials. 50% of the women in Toronto work for themselves. Street prostitution is the most visible form of prostitution that receives the most attention. Prostitutions needed the money not only to support themselves but to support but to support there family’s....
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Sunrise Over Fallujah
Last Year Popular author Walter Dean Meyers published his newly book titled Sunrise Over Fallujah, His final book in the anticipated war series. This is the best war book he has ever written. Since he was in Vietnam, and he has relatives that have fought in the war against terrorism. So he has major experience in the war factor, knowing what could possibly be going on. Sunrise Over Fallujah is about a teenage boy from Harlem, New York. His name is Robin, and he joined the army. He's not so sure why he did because he is always so nervous about it. When he joins he meets someone named Jonesy. Jonesy black man who is very confident in himself and loves to write and listen to blues music. Robin also meets some pretty harsh people like Marla, Marla is a very pretty lady who thinks she is better then everyone she meets. In the beginning of the book it starts off describing how Iraq is and if Robin is going to be in the war. Everyone wants to go into the war for some reason, but Robin, and Jonesy are pretty nervous about it. Since Mr. Meyers knows about war there’s nothing in this book that can disappoint. The real problem is that they have their enemies trying to get them with detonators, and other dangerous explosive weapons. Mr. Meyers shows in this book how soldiers can grow brotherhood with other soldiers. He is very descriptive so it’s like you’re watching a movie. Meyers shows how gruesome war could really be. He also shows that the war could effect everyone including children. In the end Jonesy becoming a hero, and Robin overcame his worries. Jonesy became a hero because a blind kid was lost in a street battle and Jonesy ran after him and saved him. Then later Jonesy died because of his gun wounds he had suffered. Robin finally became used to the fact that he was in the army, and stopped worrying.
Friday, November 8, 2019
George Burroughs - Salem Witch Trials
George Burroughs - Salem Witch Trials George Burroughs was the only minister executed as part of the Salem Witch Trials on August 19, 1692. He was about 42 years of age. Before the Salem Witch Trials George Burroughs, a 1670 Harvard graduate, grew up in Roxbury, MA; his mother returned to England, leaving him in Massachusetts. His first wife was Hannah Fisher; they had nine children. He served as a minister in Portland, Maine, for two years, surviving King Philips War and joining other refugees in moving farther south for safety. He took a job as minister of the Salem Village Church in 1680 and his contract was renewed the next year. There was no parsonage yet, so George and Hannah Burroughs moved into the home of John Putnam and his wife Rebecca. Hannah died in childbirth in 1681, leaving George Burroughs with a newborn and two other children. He had to borrow money for his wifes funeral. Not surprisingly, he remarried soon. His second wife was Sarah Ruck Hathorne, and they had four children. As had happened with his predecessor, the first minister to serve Salem Villages separately from Salem Town, the church would not ordain him and he left in a bitter salary fight, at one point being arrested for debt, though members of the congregation paid his bail. He left in 1683, moving back to Falmouth. John Hathorne served on the church committee to find Burroughs replacement. George Burroughs moved to Maine, to serve the church in Wells. This was near enough the border with French Canada that the threat of French and Indian war parties was real. Mercy Lewis, who lost relatives in one of the attacks on Falmouth, fled to Casco Bay, with a group that included Burroughs and her parents. The Lewis family then moved to Salem, and when Falmouth seemed safe, moved back. In 1689, George Burroughs and his family survived another raid, but Mercy Lewis parents were killed and she began to work as a servant for George Burroughss family. One theory is that she saw her parents killed. Mercy Lewis later moved to Salem Village from Maine, joining many other refugees, and became a servant with the Putnams of Salem Village. Sarah died in 1689, probably also in childbirth, and Burroughs moved with his family to Wells, Maine. He married a third time; with this wife, Mary, he had a daughter. Burroughs was apparently familiar with some works of Thomas Ady, critical of witchcraft prosecutions, whom he later quoted at his trial: A Candle in the Dark, 1656; A Perfect Discovery of Witches, 1661; and The Doctrine of Devils, 1676. The Salem Witch Trials On April 30, 1692, several of the girls of Salem leveled accusations of witchcraft at George Burroughs. He was arrested on May 4 in Maine - family legend says while he was eating dinner with his family - and was forcibly returned to Salem, to be jailed there on May 7. He was accused of such acts as lifting weights beyond what would be humanly possible to lift. Some in town thought he might be the dark man spoken of in many of the accusations. On May 9, George Burroughs was examined by magistrates Jonathan Corwin and John Hathorne; Sarah Churchill was examined the same day. His treatment of his first two wives was one subject of the interrogation; another was his supposed unnatural strength. The girls testifying against him said that his first two wives and the wife and child of his successor at Salem Church visited as specters and accused Burroughs of killing them. He was accused of not baptizing most of his children. He protested his innocence. Burroughs was moved to Boston jail. The next day, Margaret Jacobs was examined, and she implicated George Burroughs. On August 2, the Court of Oyer and Terminer heard the case against Burroughs, as well as cases against John and Elizabeth Proctor, Martha Carrier, George Jacobs, Sr. and John Willard. On August 5, George Burroughs was indicted by a grand jury; then a trial jury found him and five others guilty of witchcraft. Thirty-five citizens of Salem Village signed a petition to the court, but it did not move the court. The six, including Burroughs, were sentenced to death. After the Trials On August 19, Burroughs was taken to Gallows Hill to be executed. Though there was a widely held belief that a true witch could not recite the Lords Prayer, Burroughs did so, astounding the crowd. After Boston minister Cotton Mather reassured the crowd that his execution was the result of a court decision, Burroughs was hanged. George Burroughs was hanged the same day as were John Proctor, George Jacobs, Sr., John Willard and Martha Carrier. The next day, Margaret Jacobs recanted her testimony against both Burroughs and her grandfather, George Jacobs, Sr. As with the others executed, he was cast into a common, unmarked grave. Robert Calef later said that he had been buried so poorly that his chin and hand protruded from the ground. In 1711, the legislature of the Province of Massachusetts Bay restored all rights to those who had been accused in the 1692 witch trials. Included were George Burroughs, John Proctor, George Jacob, John Willard, Giles and Martha Corey, Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Good, Elizabeth How, Mary Easty, Sarah Wilds, Abigail Hobbs, Samuel Wardell, Mary Parker, Martha Carrier, Abigail Faulkner, Anne (Ann) Foster, Rebecca Eames, Mary Post, Mary Lacey, Mary Bradbury, and Dorcas Hoar. The legislature also gave compensation to the heirs of 23 of those convicted, in the amount of  £600. George Burroughs children were among those.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Creditor Rights in Sovereign Debt Markets Essays
Creditor Rights in Sovereign Debt Markets Essays Creditor Rights in Sovereign Debt Markets Essay Creditor Rights in Sovereign Debt Markets Essay Globally, governments are increasingly defaulting on their debt obligations with the most recent example being Argentina, Greece, Russia and a host of East Asian economies. The situation has elicited mixed reactions in international markets and bilateral institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, which have proposed aggregate collective action clauses that protect the investors interests (Broner et al. 2013). According to Noy (2008 p.64-78), without creditors, international financial markets cannot exist; therefore, investors must have meaningful ways to recoup back their investments in case of sovereign default. However, information access is considered key towards making informed investment decisions; thus, close cooperation between sovereign borrowers and creditors is critical. During a default, a countrys financial reputation is questionable, and oversight agencies such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and Iconic agencies such as Moody rating often raise the red flag when dealing with defaulting nations (Diaz-Cassou and Erce 2011, p.14-18). Such defaulting economies suffer economic consequences, including restrictions on accessing financial markets, trade embargo, and tightening of the fiscal deficit in their home countries. These restrictions are implemented because the sovereign creditors, just like ordinary investors, have their rights in the sovereign debt markets. It is in light of this fact that the paper will focus on creditor rights in the sovereign debt markets, the potential costs of sovereign default for a country and the magnitude of the costs likely to be incurred should a country default its sovereign debt obligations. How Economies default their Sovereign Debts Since the advent of the global financial markets, sovereign debts have been considered the safest investment type due to their risk-free nature coupled with their potential for high returns. However, in 2002, the market was shocked when Argentina announced it was unable to service its bond debt. A decade later, Greece restructured its sovereign debts. These two situations elicited mixed market reactions, raising the question, if the two governments completely defaulted, how could investors recover their invested assets? This is because government-issued bonds are considered risk-free and never accompanied by any form of collateral other than the governments guarantee to service its debt (Manns 2015, p.118-152). During the worlds financial meltdown, major economies were pushed into a deep recession because the countries experienced low growth and huge budget deficits, leading to a sharp rise in debt-GDP ratio. Previously, in such scenarios, countries absorbed their debts by utilizing different approaches. By late 2009, the average spreads were still minimal, and the allocation of sovereign hands in the domestic residents was below 50 percent in emerging economies such as Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain (GIIPS) (Ahmed 2016, p.4359; Rogers 2012, p.117-148). The situation deteriorated and economies such as Ireland, Spain, Greece and Argentina reported massive debt deficits than previously anticipated. These events not only slowed down the repayment of the debts, but also affected how different credit instruments were absorbed in the market. The same year, Greece defaulted on its IMF loan repayments, but surprisingly, the same government decided to settle a yen-denominated bond held by private entities fully. The situation was shocking since the IMF is the most authoritative lender and financier of last resort. According to Greeces move, IMF and other multilateral agencies are considered the de facto senior creditors; therefore, raising the question why first settle the yen-dominated debt. However, IMFs senior status as the principal economic lender is not enshrined anywhere legally (Waibel 2014, p.22-41). Creditors Rights in Sovereign Markets Aguilar and Zejan (1985, p.385-395) debated on the relative importance of distressed economies meeting their debt obligations. Key emerging economies such as Argentina, Greece and Bulgaria have underscored the importance of understanding the bargaining positions of their debt-riddled economies. According to Dowell-Jones (2014, p.51-85), the most fundamental question that remains unresolved is What can creditors do to reclaim back their assets if a sovereign nation does not fully ascribe to its debt obligations? Metz and Tudela (2011) continue to argue that sovereignty implies that no single agency globally can seize the assets of a foreign country. This discussion attempts to address the underlying issue using two approaches: Reputation Approach Direct Punishment Reputation Approach This principle works on a very direct premise because countries value the access to the international money market that facilitates smooth consumption in the face of volatile output or fluctuating investment opportunities (Longstaff et al., 2007). Countries are always trusted to issue timely loan repayments, hence do not wish to reprieve their status as good debtors. Considering reputational symmetry, there is no need for the creditors seeking arbitration or political sanctions; rather, investors should understand economies sovereign borrowing limits on external debts since the flow of repayments largely depend on a countrys fundamental computation of consumption spending (Arellano and Bai 2013). Therefore, should creditors extend so much to a country, an elastic limit may be reached whereby the country is unable to retain its debt repayment program. Investors must acknowledge that reputational approach comes with the undeniable feature of analyzing the countrys macroeconomic situati on instead of the murky institutional capacity to participate (Pepino 2015, p.73-95). Punishment Approach It is assumed that foreign creditors have no legal mandate whatsoever to repayment in debtor country courts (Stephanou 2013, p.127-158). However, these are other peoples assets because creditors accord investment rights in sovereign debt contracts, and any controversial government to an individual or government-to-government trade dispute can always be resolved by the international court of justice, affiliated to the IMF and the World Bank (Porte and Heins 2016, p.1-13). Creditors legal rights, if violated in certain cases, may interfere with a countrys business privileges such as imposing embargoes on the free movement of cargo within certain jurisdictions, a scenario that may interfere substantially with a countrys economy. Despite creditors rights, there is also the issue of seniority in the sovereign debt markets, and unlike the corporate debts, there are no legal rules of priority and seniority when it comes to the international debt market (Santiso 2009). Due to the lack of a harmonized standard in relation to a sovereign bankruptcy procedure, no single government can decide which creditor cluster to service their debts and the extent of the payment levels (Dam 2015). Seniority in debt repayments is considered an optional decision, thus not legally enforceable in a court of law. Conclusively, it can be argued that only credit-specific factors propel debt repayment patterns, and a nations economic fundamental cannot be used as a metric illustrating seniority in sovereign debt repayments. For instance, in 2005, Greece defaulted payment to the most senior creditor, the IMF, while serving its junior creditors such as the fund managers and other institutional investors. Factors Driving Sovereign Debt Default One of the key factors prevalent with sovereign default is the accumulation of vast reserves of foreign denominated debts from the market, making the economy unable to make timely payments due to factors such as tight budgets and lack of political goodwill. In such scenarios, sovereign investors find it difficult acquiring support from supranational courts or creditors rights enforcement agencies. According to Wright (2010, p.295315) and Schroeder 2015 p.73-104), when countries default on some of their treasury obligations, it means that the state is no longer willing to handle its debt liabilities or pay up the interest. Signs of sovereign debt defaults begin to emerge when an economy is associated with massive overspending or too much borrowing for approximately 8 to 10 years. However, there are always consequences for the creditors and, in most cases, international negotiations commence, which often end up in partial debt cancellation. Under such an arrangement, partial repayments are remitted while the investor surrenders a huge chunk of the debt. A perfect example is the Argentines economic crisis (1999-2002), whereby creditors unanimously agreed to relinquish 75 percent of the outstanding debt. In certain instances, the creditors may wait for a regime change to recoup their dues. Creditors rights are clearly spelled out in international law, and they not only entail the rights of creditors against the debtor, but also amongst other creditors. In cases where there is a default over several cases, the rules in favor of the creditors rights establish the particular creditor that holds the strongest right towards any particular relief, whether attaching state assets or seeking any other form of compensations if possible. Waibel (2013, p.209251) reiterates that to mitigate against default risks, contemporary economies have responded through issuing bonds in hard currencies via international financial institutions as transaction intermediaries, and as a result, courts have been established in New York, London and Tokyo to deal with cases of aggrieved creditors (Baldacci and Gupta 2011, p.251-263). To curb or control sovereignty credit defaults, the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), an entity legally mandated to oversee the international financial mar ket, has enacted a multilateral legal framework that regulates the sovereign debts restructuring process for the sake of enhancing predictability, stability, and efficiency in the international financial system (Erdem and Varli 2014, p.42-57). Consequences for the Economy If a country defaults its treasury obligations, it simply disposes of its monetary obligations towards creditors. The immediate effect under such a scenario is that the country benefits from an immediate reduction in its debt portfolio and the accompanying interests associated with such debts (Hu, An and Yang 2008). However, the countrys reputation is dented among multilateral creditors and other credit rating agencies (Doug 2014, p.14). This means that the country cannot easily participate in the international financial market because investors perceive the economy as high risk. In a different scenario, foreign lenders may jeopardize the countrys monetary sovereignty. Sovereign defaults also include constrained access to credit not only in international markets, but also domestically since the government of the day has lost its credibility amongst investors. Besides, the domestic financial institutions also hold significant amounts of domestic debts, and if a government defaults, th e situation may degenerate into bank runs and lead into a financial crisis since most investors find it difficult to cope up with broke governments. These effects have consequences to an economys Gross Domestic Product (GDP) because the country is faced with a higher borrowing cost due to its poor credit score (Kolb 2011, p.113). The situation may exacerbate if the creditors are domestic borrowers because the government must always visit financial markets to offset their operational expenses such as paying workers and suppliers. Such a situation may lead to a knock effect on the entire economy and completely paralyze operations (Christodoulakis 2006). Argentinas Case Study Argentina can be used as a perfect case on how a section of an economy may escalate the debt crisis. The country defaulted its sovereign debts in 2002 and the economys fiscal deficit and debt position deteriorated significantly. As a result, the interest rate spread increased dramatically from below 10 percent to almost 50 percentage points by the end of 2001 (Bruno 2009). The Argentine government responded by increasing reliance on local financial institutions, whereby the government debt as a percentage of the banking systems total assets rose from 15 percent in 2000 to 21 percent by the end of 2001 (Wei 2003, p.709-705). In this light, the banking sectors credit risks increased significantly. Besides, the voluntary debt exchanges that increased the maturity of the bonds also increased maturity mismatches on the institutions financial statements. Due to the weakening of the banking system, there were widespread panic withdrawals throughout 2001, whereby deposits fell by 20 percent by the year-end (Fliz 2010, p.52-72; Zutshi 2008). By early 2002, the Treasury confirmed that it was defaulting $18.8 billion of their external debt and concurrently announced it was ditching the currency exchange board regime. These series of events prompted the Peso, Argentines official currency, to fall from 1 peso per US dollar to 3.9 by the end of March 2002. As a result, the country was heavily indebted when the debt is converted into their local currency. The situation impaired the local financial institution systems that provide liquidity and credit to the economy, and the banks credit to the private sector as a proportion of annual GDP reduced by 50 percent from 20.8 percent in 2001 to 10.8 percent by the end of 2003. The scenario led to lessened economic activity, hence increasing the countrys fiscal burden compared to GDP. The banks non-performing loans also increased dramatically when the recession deepened. According to Horn and Fritsche (2012, p.118-126), Argentina had a sovereign debt more than $123.7 billion, which wa s not sustainable even with conservative estimates. Additionally, it is noteworthy that no financial valuation of the countrys export and import growth could deliver the requisite net long-run foreign exchange earnings adequate for servicing the debt, even if the countrys interest levels were to move back to pre-crisis level. The countrys trade deficit expanded and its currency got overvalued, trade liberalization stalled and the exports only comprised of an insignificant share of the countrys economic bedrock (Schaumberg 2014, p.135-154).
Monday, November 4, 2019
Examine how Alices Adventures in Wonderland major theme of growing up Essay
Examine how Alices Adventures in Wonderland major theme of growing up and finding ones identity are a reflection and product of a Victorian age, and how Wonderland is a social satire of Victorian culture - Essay Example t while Alice’s circumstances share commonalities with these other heroines – she finds herself in an unfamiliar place full of strange people – her experiences are entirely different. Unlike Dorothy, Susan, Lucy or Wendy, Alice has no purpose to guide and direct her wanderings through Wonderland. Even more significantly, Alice has nothing to offer the strange country she temporarily inhabits; nor does she change and grow emotionally as a result of her time in Wonderland. And though some feminist critics like Nina Auerbach have argued that Alice is a subversive feminist heroine, in fact, Carroll’s youthful protagonist seems to be nothing more or less than an ordinary Victorian girl – and rather than limiting the possibilities of the narrative, this realization expands them, allowing us to understand Alice as a creature of her own era, so that she – more than the Wonderland she traverses – becomes the vehicle of Carroll’s Victoria n satire. In this paper, I will argue that Carroll’s Alice deconstructs the Victorian notions of femininity and female coming of age in several ways. First, rather than being a sweet and charming female heroine, Alice is bossy, pretentious and often downright unlikable – isolated by her manners and her education from creatures who might have been her friends. Second, that Alice’s behavior toward the Wonderland creatures is a reflection of how Alice herself is treated in her own â€Å"real†life, revealing problematic dynamics between children and adults in Victorian culture. And finally, I will show that Alice’s adventures in Wonderland have merit and meaning only when they are reconstructed  through the Carroll/Narrator, through Alice’s sister and finally through Alice herself  to â€Å"interpret†a hodgepodge of facts and experiences into a memory of happy childhood. In fact, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland can be read as a satire of a Victorian girl’s education into the rites of womanhood, a satire that
Friday, November 1, 2019
Concepts in mental Health Consensus and Controversies Essay
Concepts in mental Health Consensus and Controversies - Essay Example A good understanding of such concept is essentially relevant with mental health care. Origin and Historical Significance of Mental Health Concept The concept of mental health has a polymeric nature, and inaccurate and general borders, which gains from a historical view to be better understood. At present the broadly understood concept of mental health has its origins chased back to advances in public health in different branches of knowledge such as clinical psychopathology and psychological medicine. The origin of the mental hygiene movement can be assigned to the piece of work of Clifford Beers in the United States. A book namely A mind that found itself was published in 1908, which was based on the authors personal experience of admittances to three mental institutions and asylums. Through its origins and in reflecting Beers’ experience in mental hospitals, the mental hygiene movement was chiefly and essentially referred to the betterment of the care of people with mental f olies. In the year 1909 when Beers wrote the book, a Mental Hygiene Society was instituted in Connecticut. Adolf Meyer suggested the term â€Å"mental hygiene†to Beers (Schneck, 1975). This had got tremendous and quick popularity to the initiation of the National Commission of Mental Hygiene. The Beers (1937) states: â€Å"When the National Committee was organized, in 1909, its chief concern was to humanize the care of the insane: to eradicate the abuses, brutalities and neglect from which the mentally sick have traditionally suffered.†The globalization of activities of this Commission led to the administration of some national associations related to mental hygiene in different countries from 1919 onwards. The International... This essay discusses that in a general sense, mental health has established to be a crucial component of the definition of health and also continues to be used both to indicate a state as an attribute of health. It refers to denote to the crusade deduced from the mental hygiene movement, representing the practical application of psychiatry and psychological medicine not only on an individual basis but also to groups such as societies and communities, as is the case with clinical psychiatry. Mental health is, rather unluckily, even so, considered by many as a field of study, either as an equivalent of psychiatry and psychological medicine or any other complementary fields of psychiatry. Above discussed elements can be served as evidence of the importance of mental health cognition as not only a field of study. For psychiatric nurses, the knowledge of mental health and mental illness concepts is particularly important in a way that they are part of the diagnosing of mental disorders an d treatment of mental health patients in outpatient community clinics or inpatient care hospitals. For such a reason, mental health nursing requires specified and specialized training isolated from other segments of care in the field of nursing. Instituting standard concepts of care in mental health nursing ameliorates inter-communication among faculty and the quality of intervention and handling of mental health patients. Dealing with mental health patients interests will better the overall wellness and performance of the patient.
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