Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Using A Range of Channels as Part of an Integrated PR Campaign Essay
Using A Range of Channels as Part of an Integrated PR Campaign - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that the public relations is an activity that is carried out intentionally, with a particular plan for achieving a result. It is representative of a continuum of activity and inculcates the two-way communication process where the organization will take steps that are in the interests of both the organization and the target group. The fact that public relations is dependent on publics is a very critical factor for the success of the company. The public gives reputation to the company and a commercial, governmental or any other organizational raison d'à ªtre. According to the Chartered Institute of Public Relations in the UK, regards public relations as the activity carried out for the purpose of generation of goodwill and mutual understanding between the company and the public.This study outlines that reputation helps the company to embed itself in the market and gives it an edge over other rivals. Furthermore, journalists, regulators, employees, cus tomers and suppliers can have a strong influence on the organization. They all possess some view or perception regarding the organization. These perceptions are necessary to take into account by the organization since they will affect the decisions they taking regarding consumption of the products of the organizations and carrying business with it. As a result, public relations encompasses several aspects of marketing such as public information, investor relations corporate communication or customer relations.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Business Report of Lenovo Essay Example for Free
Business Report of Lenovo Essay Introduction Lenovo was found in 1984 in Beijing and it is the world’s second-largest PC vendor. According to the last official statistic, Lenovo consolidated turnover of 146.6 billion Yuan and Lenovo employs nearly 40,000 people. Lenovo is a well-known national brand in China and Lenovo is serving customers in more than 160 countries. In order to expand overseas business and access to world-class brand, Lenovo carried out an acquisition of the former IBM Personal Computing Division in 2005. IBM was founded in 1911 in the United States and it is the largest information technology and business solutions company in the world, currently has more than 30 million employees in the world, with operations in over 160 countries and regions. The problems experienced by Lenovo concerns the construction of cross-cultural teams. Most of the merger and acquisition fail in the post-merger cultural integration. Lenovo set up work teams for designing the future of IBM and developing the new view after acquisition. The results had been shown it uneasy and can lead to the failure of the Lenovo’s acquisition strategy. At the beginning of the acquisition, cultural differences had not been enough anticipated in the acquisition process. And Lenovo wants to remedy the problem as soon as possible to make IBM acquisition profitable in the next strategy. The report part of the business plan Summary This report is intended to identify, describe and propose some solutions to Lenovo to solve the problems about teams and groups in the acquisition of the IBM. This report will describe problems associated with team building, provides some possible solutions and evaluates each of these. And, this report will describe the impact of cultural differences on the establishment of work groups. Actually, Lenovo had taken some measures, but it with little success. According to the current state of Lenovo, this report will give some suggestions and solutions to overcome or avoid the conflict caused by cultural differences and set up effective cross-cultural teams. Especially, these solutions are based on literature on the issue. It concludes that it is necessary for the company to establish effective and appropriate measures to eliminate the barriers in cross-cultural teams, as absence of this may threaten the company’s long-term development. To overcome the problem, Lenovo should take the follow action for IBM survival: * Obtain the core values between Chinese employees and American employees through an internal survey. * Design an international training program for all the employees and especially for managers. * Incorporate both corporate cultures of Lenovo and IBM to create a new corporate culture. * Every cross-culture team should organise monthly meeting or weekly meeting to evaluate the progress of communications and work. * Organise some internally non-working activities to create more opportunities for the communication among employees with different cultural context. * Set up the special teams to deal with the problem caused by cultural difference in every cross-cultural team. Introduction This section of business plan will introduce the problems caused by cultural differences in cross-cultural teams and give some suggestions to overcome the problems. In the acquisition of IBM, Lenovo accepted more than 10,000 employees and it also means that Lenovo accepted a very different culture. Lenovo is not only facing the differences between western and eastern culture, but also Lenovo facing the problems of how to integrate the teams with different organisationally cultural context. In this report, the recommendations to overcome the problems in cross-cultural teams and groups are based on the literature on team building and cross-cultural team management. Body At the beginning of the acquisition of IBM, Lenovo had taken some measures. For example, in order to both sides can communicate better, the new Lenovo use the international common language English as the official language of the company. But cultural integration is a long-term process, which requires companies to devote their time and patience and the communication, compromise between both of high level, and staff in the acquisition. It must not be too hasty. Base on the fact of Lenovo, there are three aspects should be noticed and improved. Firstly, IBM has a long history and IBM has very high brand awareness. In addition to the brand, employees can get the respect for personal values ​​and a comfortable working environment can be provided for employees by the human resources services and the improvement of the system. In contrast, Lenovo has a big gap no matter the position in IT industry and the strength of themselves. If some team members uphold the cultural superiority or group superiority that their own cultural value system better than those members from other cultures or groups, their behavior maybe resulting in the failure of team building because they will be possible to take hate and boycott from other members, even lead to conflict. Because the conflicts caused by cultural differences between team members and individual differences under thus influence, analysis and identification of cultural differences is necessary. Secondly, communication is the process of exchange and transmission of information among people or groups. Because of the multi-cultural background, language and non-language barrier, people lack of understanding of each others political, economic, legal, social and cultural environment, and the understanding of the customs, values, etc. are different. They are often based on their own perspective to make an analysis and judgment on each others information, and thus the misunderstanding and conflict are often obtained. Because of these, design a multi-cultural training and hold a monthly meeting or weekly meeting is necessary. Thirdly, a company has an acquisition of another company means an integration of two different corporate cultures. When the employees of a cross-cultural group are conscious of the different of personal cultural awareness with others, it will be cause the group lost their purpose. Based on the possibility, establish a common business concept and corporate culture is a good solution to this problem. Establish a new joint management concept and a strong culture based on the environmental requirements and the principle of the companys strategic development, so that reducing cultural conflict and that each employee’s thinking and behavior can combine with the companys operations and purpose. Adopting these recommendations and the actions in summary can make internal and external combination of the teams more closely, establish a good reputation in the international market and enhance multinational cultural adaptability. This is the ultimate goal of why Lenovo needs solve the cross-cultural issues of teams and group in the acquisition of IBM. (1077 words) Section 2 1. What the literature says â€Å"teams and groups†The importance of teams and groups for an organisation In modern society, one person’s power, information and resources are limited. Most time people need cooperate with others no matter working or others as Handy (1993) said â€Å"On average, managers spend 50% of their working day in one sort of group or other. Senior managers can spend 80%†. Although there is no clear and single definition of a teams and groups, there is a basic limited definition by Bennett (1991) â€Å"a collection of two or more people who possess a common purpose†. The formation of an organisation groups in order to achieve the purpose of work more efficiently. An organisation can produce some different kinds of groups, for example: formal and informal, LOCO, HICO, teams, etc. An organisation needs to be aware of their differences and use them as efficiently as possible. There are a lot satisfying reasons why an organisation should create work groups. For example, organising effective groups can have some uses for the distribution of work, the management and control of work, problem-solving and decision-making, information processing, information and idea collection, testing and ratifying decisions, co-ordination and liaison, increased commitment and involvement, negotiation and conflict resolution, inquest or inquiry into the past. (Handy, 1993) No matter what kind of a group there is a bottom line is â€Å"A strong group is †¦ usually more powerful than a strong individual and can have a considerable effect on organizational policy and practice.†(Thomson, 2002) This literature review will pay attention on teams mainly. In a team, everyone plays different role and they have specific function and they working with an important principle â€Å"voluntarily co-ordinate their work in order to achieve group objectives†(Bennett, 1991). Building a team People hope they can define their identity through their membership of certain groups like people belong to local political and pressure groups, for example, because they experience a shared set of values with the other people in the group which reinforces their own values. But, according to Thomson (1997), one reason why people belong to group is â€Å"social needs†. As Thomson Mabey said â€Å"some †¦ groups will be family or friendship groups, which are formed to meet a diverse range of needs such as affection, security, support, belonging or identity. Some may be committees, where members usually represent different interest groups who come together to discuss their differing perspectives on matters of interest†, people should build a team for the work that is highly complex problems, need for consensus decisions and there is uncertainty when a broad range of competences are required. A company is a big group of a lot of people working together, so the managers are responsible to build effective teams or workgroups. After collecting more individual talents, building a team has the ability to use the talents on a united effort and success is very important (Woodcock, 1979). Consequently, the managers should know how to effectively build a team. In general, the managers must have the knowledge about the five development stages (forming, storming, norming, performing and mourning) in a team or workgroup and they should have an appropriate leading method for themselves (Thomson Mabey, 1994). Of course, this is not enough for managing a team. The managers need realise everyone’s advantages and dis advantages in the team and especially the differences of their culture context. Teams and cross-cultural context In modern society, business environment developed quickly international. Different cultural members mixed in a team so that the team has powerful ability to solve complex problem. But, individuals from different cultural context must show a different behavior and values in the team. This is because the peoples cognition, thinking, needs, values, code of conduct, customs, etc. are formed in the years of life, work and education. The individual differences caused by cultural differences led to the conflict of the team in the cross-cultural context (Sun, 2012). So, how to make a cross-cultural team working effective is the main responsibility of managers. In a cross-cultural team, there is an important factor is a clear understanding of every one culture and values, and a process of acculturation. The acculturation process is a mutual exchange of cultural pattern (Olie, 1995). Related to the case of Lenovo, the best recommendation for acculturation is integration. It different with one culture dominate the others, integration is a process of acculturation (Nahavandi Malekzadeh, 1995). Interest for Lenovo In the case of Lenovo, Chinese and American must accept each other for working effectively. But the main problem in the cross-cultural groups is communication. The managers of Lenovo must make everyone in the group understands and adapt to the different culture with some training or actions. And more important is design a politic cooperatively cultural pattern. 2. What does the literature say about different cultural contexts and its influence on teams and groups What are culture and its importance According to Hofstede(2003), culture is â€Å"the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another†. It related to a group. With a large-scale research study of IBM branches around the world by Geert Hofstede, the culture is considered a compositive project. Geert Hofstede creates a new way to describe culture through five variables: power distance, individualism, masculinity/femininity, uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation. All theories have limitations. Although this method created by Geert Hofstede is not absolutely right, it does not affect the theory of Hofstede can analyse one country’s culture as a valuable tool. Contract with the case of Lenovo, the most important effect by culture is â€Å"Currently only 25% of international mergers and acquisitions in Europe are successful. The price of failure is high. Cultural misunderstanding lead to loss of face, loss of money and, in extreme case, even loss of life†(Gibson cited in Naysmith, 2006). If managers do not pay enough attention on the culture, it possibly can cause the failure of the acquisition of IBM. Organisational culture Culture is not only exists in the countries, but also culture exists in any organisation constituted by people. Based on Handy (1993) said, â€Å"The role organisation will succeed as long as it can operate in a stable environment†. A steady cultural environment is necessary for an organization get success. At the same time, organisational culture is manageable and it can affects the approach of management, the accepted goals and customer of the society determine and influence that what managers strive for and the rule observed by managers (Stewart cited in Naysmith, 2006). So, the organisation also based on the cultural context of the country. The organisational culture can also measured by the five variables created by Hofstede.(Geert Hofstede, 2001) Influence of culture on â€Å"teams and groups†If a company formed by people comes from different cultural country, this company will own a special energy. It is a competitive advantage from a cross-cultural context. But, exerting the competitive advantage effectively is the most important challenge for the cross-cultural group. Because in a cross-cultural group the members have different working purpose and processes will be revealed. (Maznevski Peterson, 1997) The effectiveness of work group will be decreased by the ethnocentrism, stereotypes, different expectations and difference in values. And these negative emotions will produce the anxiety and misunderstanding in-group, even diminishing the workers dedication to the company and destroying the group ardor. Interenst for Lenovo Cross-border mergers and acquisitions not only include the corporate cultural differences of both sides, but also include the cultural differences between the countries of the two sides. Organise some activities or cultural training to make more opportunities for every understanding different culture can eliminate the negative affects effectively. 3. Conclusion This literature review introduces some keys briefly for understanding teams and groups in a cross-cultural context. Firstly, teams and groups are particular important for an organisation. But there are some problems should be solved in a cross-cultural group. The managers is not only should know everyone’s skill and talent, but also they should know their difference caused by different cultural context. And some actions can make a good communication between each other for understanding the differences are necessary. Secondly, based on enough knowledge to understand the importance of culture, the managers should eliminate the negative affects of cross-cultural context through some activities or training. And the most important is creating an appropriate organisational culture. It can give the cross-cultural group an approach, so the cross-cultural group can exerts the competitive advantages completely. Bibliography Bennett, R., (1991), Organisational Behavior, London: ME/Pitman, pp.145, 154. Geert Hofstede, (2001), Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations, Second Edition, Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications Geert Hofstede, (2003), Cultures and Organisations, Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importance for Survival, Soft ware of the Mind, London: Profile Books Ltd. Handy, C, (1993), Understanding Organisations (4th ed.), London: Penguin, pp.150-2. Maznevski, M. Peterson, M.F., (1997), Societal Values, Social Interpretation, and Multinational Teams. In C. Skromme Granrose S. Oskamp (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Work Groups, pp. 61-89, London: Sage Publications Ltd. Nahavandi, A. Malekzadeh, A.R., (1995), Acculturation in mergers and acquisitions, In Jackson (Ed.), Cross-Cultural Management, pp. 328-341, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. Olie, R., (1995), Culture and integration problem in international mergers and acquisitions, In T. Jackson (Ed.), Cross-Cultural Management, pp. 308-325, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. Sun Ziwen, (2012, April 13), Case analysis of the cultural integration in cross-border mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises, Peoples Forum, 356(2), 7. Thomson, R., (2002), Managing people (3rd ed.), Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.92, 95. Thomson, R. Mabey, C., (1994), Developing Human Resources, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann in association with the Institute of Management, pp.177. Woodcock, M., (1979), Team Development Manual, Aldershot: Gower Press Teakfield Limited, pp.177.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Educators Must Make Learning Enjoyable :: Teaching Education Admissions Essays
Educators Must Make Learning Enjoyable As educators we wish to have the students gain knowledge, through our efforts, and continue to expand their minds using the basics we have taught them. In an era when so many outside interests often cloud the minds of our impressionable youth, we often wonder how we can accomplish this task. Our society has become increasingly chaotic in comparison to how it was in my fathers time. With an increase in violence, commercialism, and two working parents, children today don't have the same structure in their lives as they did in earlier times. This lack of structure, viewed as independence, places the child in a role more similar to that of an adult. There is an expectation that our children will function as child and the guardian at the same time. Children arrive home and frequently no one is there to greet them or remind them of their responsibilities as a student. Many parents have little or no involvement at all with their children's education at all. According to Rousseau, not being involved or staying passive until the child wants to learn an idea, is the correct method. I hate to say that we need to force a student to learn, but not everyone is self motivated. A student does need to have some control, but the control needs to be structured. Parents need to be invo lved. Study habits are not developed just at school, they are also developed at home, with the parent supervising the activity. The parent need to allot time periods where the student, or hopefully the student and the parent can sit down and develop thinking skills and communicate their ideas to one another. By teaching children the value of stimulating their minds all the time, not just at school, they will appreciate the knowledge they have gained and will be more alert when learning new ideas. As an educator we need to find ways to make concepts interesting to our students. Think about the instructor who stands in front of the classroom and scribbles on the board, completely oblivious to the students sitting in the classroom. The bright students may still do well under these conditions, but the other students often become bored. Is it the responsibility of the students to pay attention to the instructor or is it the responsibility of the instructor to pay attention to the class?
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Visual Form Agnosia Essays -- Medical Research
Visual form agnosia is defined as the inability to recognize objects (Goldstein, 2010). To understand the basic concept of visual form agnosia, it is important to first understand that perception and recognition are separate processes. Perception is defined as the ability to become aware of something through our senses, and recognition is the ability to put an object in a group that gives the item meaning. When a person suffers from visual form agnosia, they are generally able to identify the item and distinguish parts of it, but are not able to perceptually accumulate every piece of the item in order to identify the item as complete (Goldstein, 2010). The following is a review of studies concerning the different aspects, theories, and characteristics in visual form agnosia. The brain is divided into two visual streams, the ventral and the dorsal stream. Goodale and Milner (1998) have suggested that the ventral stream is dedicated to processing vision for perception, and the dorsal stream for vision and action. On the other hand, there is a possibility that the processes in the visuomotor stream can provoke perceptual processes. The propose of the visuomotor stream is that it provides signals, which enhances the person’s ability to distinguish the form of the object. This study illustrated that stimulated perceptual development vanishes if the intended objects only have a difference in respect to their shape, but not width (Goodale & Milner, 1998). Emphasis has been placed on the disconnection of the dorsal and ventral streams, but there are also many associations between them, and the state of successful integration of their ‘complementary contributions’ can help humans with goal-directed adapted behavior (Goodale & Servos, ... ... Goodale, M.A., & Servos, P. (1995). Preserved visual imagery in visual form agnosia. Neuropsychologia, 33 (11), p. 1383-1394. Goldstein, E.B. (2010). Sensation and perception: Eighth edition. California: Linda Schreiber. McIntosh, R.D., Milner, A.D., Mon-Williams, M., & Tresilian, J.R. (2001). Monocular and binocular distance cues: Insights from visual form agnosia I (of III). Exp Brain Res, 139, p. 127-136 Milner, A. D., & Schenk, T. (2006). Concurrent visuomotor behaviour improves form discrimination in a patient with visual form agnosia. European journal of neuroscience, 24 (5), p. 1495-1503. Vercera, S.P. (2001). Dissociating ‘what’ and ‘how’ in visual form agnosia: A computational investigation. Nueropsychologia, 40, p. 187-204. Weiskrantz, L. (1997). Consciousness lost and found: A neuropsychological exploration. Oxford University Press, p. 294
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Coffee Bean Essay
ST. GREGORY’S UNIVERSITY Coffee Bean, Inc. Managerial Accounting, BU2123, Research Project, Spring 2007 Coffee Bean, Inc. (CBI) is a processor and distributor of a variety of blends of coffee. The company buys coffee beans from around the world and roasts, blends and packages them for resale. CBI currently has 40 different coffees that it offers to gourmet shops in one-pound bags. The major cost of the coffee is the raw coffee beans. However, there is a substantial amount of manufacturing overhead in the company’s predominantly automated roasting, blending and packing process. The company uses relatively little direct labor. Some of the coffees are very popular and sell in large volumes, while a few of the newer blends have very low volumes. CBI prices its coffee at manufacturing cost plus a markup of 30%. If CBI’s coffee prices are significantly higher than the market, adjustments are made to bring CBI’s prices more into alignment with the market. The company competes primarily on the quality of its products, but customers are price conscious as well. For the coming year, CBI’s budget includes estimated manufacturing overhead cost of $3,000,000. CBI assigns manufacturing overhead to products based on direct labor-hours. The expected direct labor cost totals $600,000, which represents 50,000 hours of direct labor time. Based on the sales budget and expected raw materials costs, the company will purchase and use $6,000,000 of raw materials (mostly coffee beans) during the year. The expected costs for direct materials and direct labor for one-pound bags of two of the company’s many coffee products appear below: Mona Loa $4. 20 0. 30 Malaysian $3. 20 0. 30 Direct Materials Direct Labor (0. 025 hours per bag). CBI’s president is very concerned about lowering profit margins. Several prices have had to be reduced to meet market pressures and other products are selling at good volumes without price adjustments. The president talked with CBI’s controller who believes that the company’s traditional costing system, which uses direct labor costs to allocate manufacturing overhead, may be providing misleading cost information. To determine whether or not this is correct, the controller has prepared an analysis of the year’s expected manufacturing overhead costs, as shown in the following table. Activity Center Cost Driver Purchasing Purchase Orders Materials handling Number of Setups Quality control Number of Batches Roasting Roasting Hours Blending Blending Hours Packaging Packaging Hours Total manufacturing overhead cost: Expected Activity 1,710 orders 1,800 setups 600 batches 96,100 hours 33,500 hours 26,000 hours Expected Cost $ 513,000 720,000 144,000 961,000 402,000 260,000 $3,000,000 Data regarding the expected production of two representative products, Mona Loa and Page 1 of 2 Coffee Bean Malaysian coffee, are presented below. There will be no raw materials inventory for either of these coffees at the beginning of the year. Mona Loa Malaysian 100,000 2,000 Pounds 10,000 500 Pounds 3 3 Per batch 20,000 500 Pounds 1. 0 / 100 1. 0 /100 Hours per pound 0. 5 / 100 0. 5 /100 Hours per pound 0. 1 / 100 0. 1 /100 Hours per pound Expected sales Batch size Setups Purchase order size Roasting time Blending time Packaging time Step into the shoes of the controller and prepare a complete report for the president explaining the results of your research. Compare the two product-costing methods: (1) the currently-used, volume-based method, and (2) an activity-based method. The supporting tables should determine full costs and prices of both products using the two different cost allocation methods. Continue your detailed report to the president by justifying why the company should remain using their present overhead allocation method or to go activity-based costing. Go beyond the accounting issues in your report, mentioning the impact on pricing, volume, and marketing decisions. Support your recommendation with current articles (Use the online resources of the SGU James J. Kelly Library to locate articles within the last year that deal with cost allocation issues). Three to five supporting articles should be sufficient to support your findings. Since this is a formal report, it will require a transmittal memo summarizing your findings. This memo/summary should be supported by a detailed report including tables and references to business/accounting literature. Include a bibliography in APA format. Also, since presidents rarely have time to read the entire article, but are interested in their content, provide an abstract of each citation. Remember: appearance, spelling, grammar count. Adapted from Managerial Accounting, Eight Edition, Garrison & Noreen, Irwin, 1997.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Hobbes And Locke Comparision
Similar to Hobbes, Locke starts his treatise by defining the concept of a state of nature. Their basic aim is to show the nature of man's existence before the establishment of the society and sovereign state and make a rational and reliable point for their philosophical enquiries. Starting from this point, both of them proceed to the abstraction of the human nature and constructed a theory of society. However unlike the very pessimistic state of nature understanding of Hobbes, the state of nature as described by Locke is quite optimistic where, all men are born equal and are free, subject to the laws of nature which dictate them, that man shouldn’t destroy himself or any other person due to his commitment to God to protect the life given by God. The only exception to this is against the men who break the law, since the law ones broke it is not any more state of nature but state of war, a more similar situation to the Hobbesian understanding. However, despite the common starting points of their theories, their approaches to the question of property are quite differentiated. Whereas Hobbes did not dealt with the question of property in detail except entrusting it to the Leviathan, Locke shows a great enthusiasm for explaining the origins of property. He refuses the arguments of theorists, who see the property as the natural right of the men. According to him, all men are born free and equal regardless of what generation they have been born into and, private property does not arise from consent to divide up original common property. For explaining the origins of property, he employs the concept of labor. Basically he argues that God gave the world to all men commonly to be used to preserve life and liberty, and therefore the objects of nature, which are labored by men, belong to him. Man has property of his own person and therefore owns his labor and thus the objects created by his labor belong to him as well. In the Locke’s underst... Free Essays on Hobbes And Locke Comparision Free Essays on Hobbes And Locke Comparision Similar to Hobbes, Locke starts his treatise by defining the concept of a state of nature. Their basic aim is to show the nature of man's existence before the establishment of the society and sovereign state and make a rational and reliable point for their philosophical enquiries. Starting from this point, both of them proceed to the abstraction of the human nature and constructed a theory of society. However unlike the very pessimistic state of nature understanding of Hobbes, the state of nature as described by Locke is quite optimistic where, all men are born equal and are free, subject to the laws of nature which dictate them, that man shouldn’t destroy himself or any other person due to his commitment to God to protect the life given by God. The only exception to this is against the men who break the law, since the law ones broke it is not any more state of nature but state of war, a more similar situation to the Hobbesian understanding. However, despite the common starting points of their theories, their approaches to the question of property are quite differentiated. Whereas Hobbes did not dealt with the question of property in detail except entrusting it to the Leviathan, Locke shows a great enthusiasm for explaining the origins of property. He refuses the arguments of theorists, who see the property as the natural right of the men. According to him, all men are born free and equal regardless of what generation they have been born into and, private property does not arise from consent to divide up original common property. For explaining the origins of property, he employs the concept of labor. Basically he argues that God gave the world to all men commonly to be used to preserve life and liberty, and therefore the objects of nature, which are labored by men, belong to him. Man has property of his own person and therefore owns his labor and thus the objects created by his labor belong to him as well. In the Locke’s underst...
Monday, October 21, 2019
A School Principals Recommendation Letter for a Teacher
A School Principal's Recommendation Letter for a Teacher SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips According to the State Department of Education, there were 24 applicants for every one teaching position in Connecticut last year! Teaching's a competitive field, so a stand-out letter of recommendation can go a long way. In the sample letter below, a principal recommends an art teacher applying to another school due to budget cuts. Check out what the principal has to say about this teacher, and then read on for an analysis of what this letter does well. Sample Letter #2: Written by a Principal for a Teacher Mr. Henry NicholsSchool PrincipalCityville Middle School1 School RoadCityville, NJ 08008 Dear Principal Nichols, It’s my honor and pleasure to provide this letter of recommendation for Julia as she pursues an art teaching position with Cityville Middle School. As the principal of Townston Middle School, I’ve enjoyed having Julia on the teaching team for grades 6 through 8. We’ll all miss her and her contributions to our school community. Unfortunately, budgetary restrictions have forced us to reduce the art teaching faculty, and as the most recent hire, Julia will no longer have a position with us next year. This decision in no way reflects on her skills, and I wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy as she seeks a position elsewhere. It’s my wish that she finds a school with the resources to support her talent for teaching art. Julia started her teaching career with us fresh out of graduate school two years ago. She brought with her a solid training in pedagogical methods and art history, along with great energy and enthusiasm. She introduced several new projects that are now a part of the curriculum, including a self-portrait assignment that asks students to reflect on their identities, a stop-motion animation project using clay and iPads, and a papier-mache â€Å"sled challenge†that resulted in fun races down the hill beside the school. Julia also contributed to the â€Å"3D Printer Build-a-Thon,†a weekend-long event during which students, educators, and community members came together to assemble over 20 3D printers. Julia brings exciting new ideas to life; I’m confident that she will continue her momentum with her next school. Julia also impressed me with her commitment to lifelong learning. She successfully collaborated with her mentor, took advantage of several professional development opportunities offered in the district, and took classes on digital technology and special education over the last two summers. She also went out of her way to elicit feedback from her students, inviting them to share their experiences at the end of each semester. It’s this commitment to growth and her students’ well-being that makes Julia an outstanding educator who empowers her pupils. Julia is charismatic and creative, and she thinks outside the box. She has shown excellent classroom management skills and developed a rapport with students, colleagues, and parents that is characterized by mutual respect. At the end of last year, I had a parent come to me specifically to praise Julia's teaching and the impact she's had on her son. Beyond her strengths as an art teacher, Julia’s also a talented artist and has some of her oil and acrylic paintings displayed in a nearby gallery. Julia has my highest recommendation for the position of art instructor, and I look forward to learning more about the accomplishments that lie in her professional future. If the circumstances were different, I would strive to retain Julia on our art department teaching team. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any further information. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Elsa SkoolsSchool PrincipalTownston Middle 8-5546 Will this letter convince Principal Nichols to make room for Julia and her paintbrushes? Recommendation Letter #2: The Breakdown Like the first sample, this recommendation letter represents a common relationship between letter writer and candidate. It starts out with a strong statement of support with, â€Å"It’s my honor and pleasure to provide this letter.†This statement is then quickly followed by an explanation of who the letter writer is, thereby showing why she’s qualified to recommend Julia. Principal Skools explains why Julia’s applying elsewhere and makes sure to state that she would retain her on the teaching team if the budget allowed. She goes on to describe Julia’s contributions with specific examples of projects she introduced and community events to which she contributed. The writer uses highly positive language to describe Julia, calling her creative, energetic, and committed to continuous improvement. She also touches on her personal talents as an artist. The letter’s structured to describe three main points: Julia’s accomplishments at the school, her commitment to learning and improvement, and her relationships with teachers, parents, and colleagues. In her glowing endorsement, Principal Skools gives specific examples of the achievements Julia'smade and will continue to make in her next art teaching position. What's Next? What experience do you need to become a teacher in the first place? Find out what degree you do (or don't) need to teach in this article. On to the next! Click here to read our third recommendation letter sample written by a restaurant manager for a part-time employee. Are you looking for a different type of sample letter? Head back to our original recommendation letter guide to find more samples and learn about the key features of outstanding reference letters. Want to provide a strong recommendation for your employee, but don't have the time to craft the perfect letter? PrepScholar's new recommendation tool, SimpleRec, takes you from good intentions and a blank page to a fully written and formatted letter of recommendation in under 5 minutes. All you need to do is give us some simple pieces of information about your employee and your experience working with them, and we'll do the rest. Try out SimpleRec risk-free today:
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Building a Houseâ€Advice From an Architect
Building a House- Advice From an Architect While your new house is an exciting and mind-boggling experience for you, it is routine for the builder (been there, done that). These attitudes often tend to clash. Building your new house should not (and cannot) be a passive exercise. A myriad of decisions have to be made - by you. When you are unable or unwilling to make decisions, you force the builder to make them. To make sure your new home fulfills your own vision, follow the following guidelines. Understand Your Contract No matter what type of contract you sign, you become a party to a legal document involving a massive amount of money for the construction of your new house. By so doing, you abdicate none of your basic legal rights. Therefore, know your rights and exercise them. Start by reading the contract and understanding it. You are paying (or will pay over the next 25 to 30 years) for the knowledge of the builders: their experience and ability. Plus you are paying your builders a profit above their expenses. What do you expect in return? How do you ensure that you get what you expect? COMMUNICATE - WRITE IT DOWN - COMMUNICATE - WRITE IT DOWN - COMMUNICATE - WRITE IT DOWN. Anything you add to the house after the contract is signed, the builder will keep track of - assiduously! Anything you delete or reduce, YOU keep track of - assiduously! Save on Building Costs The average house contains approximately 1,500 to 2,000 square feet. Do you need more space than that? Why? How much more? You pay for each and every square foot of space in your house, whether its occupied, usable, or otherwise. If the cost is $50, $85, or $110 per square foot, extra, unused, vacant, and unnecessary areas are provided at the very same cost. You want to be in control of building costs, but you dont want to skimp. Keep costs in perspective; for example, that cost of $10-per-thousand more for a brick you really like translates into a total cost of only $100 more when a typical amount of 10,000 bricks is involved. Do the math yourself. Be smart. Take care that glitz and gadgets suggested by friends, the builder, or magazines do not overwhelm good basic construction. Dont trade them for lesser construction. Bouncy floors where joists are stretched to the maximum are not remedied by a hot tub, flocked wallcovering, skylights, or jazzy door hardware. Know what you like. Check Building Codes Dont expect to control the number of nails used. Do expect a substantially built house, free of defects, and in accord with all applicable codes and regulations. Require proof of such compliance (many jurisdictions issue Certificates of Occupancy) at the closing of your mortgage. This indicates accord with the minimum code and safety standards. Realize that some things are virtually unchangeable; they should be done properly, first off. This includes a properly sized and constructed foundation system, a properly designed and installed structural system, and so on. Changeable items such as finishes and coverings should not distract you from watching for and requiring good basic construction. Watch for things that are not necessarily what you want and that you will not be able to change easily or cheaply. Question things that just dont look or seem right. Most of the time they indeed are not. Seek some reliable outside, impartial advice- other than your father, even if he is a builder! Be Flexible Be ready and prepared to compromise in order to resolve situations and problems. Be aware, however, of what you may be giving up in this process; examine and understand both sides. Is the situation worth what you are losing? The builder is fully capable of doing anything or finding someone who can do anything you wish, but anything always comes with a price. Be careful and wary of unique, inordinate, or far-out requests, new technology, and untested materials and equipment. Understand that construction is an imperfect science. Combine that understanding with natural elements (e.g., site conditions, weather, wood members, human foibles), and you might face situations where things could change, must be changed, or simply exceed capabilities. Flat-out errors do happen. Absolute perfection or your idea of perfection may not- and more than likely, will not- be achieved. Drastic imperfections, however, can be corrected, and they should be. It is within your rights to require this. Keep Records Issues not clearly and specifically noted, written, described, or shown will be interpreted by both sides. A meeting of minds must take place, where interpretations are fully understood and resolved. When this resolution does not happen, expect dispute, confrontation, pique, anger, frustration, and perhaps even litigation. Be redundant, leaving nothing to chance. Follow up verbal discussions and instructions with written verification. Keep records and receipts; records of phone calls and all correspondence; samples you approve; sales slips; model, type, and style numbers; and the like. Dont allow yourself to be reduced to buying any aspect of a pig in a poke. The more time and effort spent up front in programming, planning, designing, and understanding, as well as in establishing specifics of the project, the better the chance for a smoother construction period and a satisfactory result. Be Businesslike Be pragmatic and absolutely businesslike in all of your dealings with the builders. They are working for you; you are not seeking them as new friends. If a friend or relative performs part of the work, treat that person in exactly the same manner: have a contract and demand adherence to your schedule. Dont let a gift or a good price disrupt the project overall. Summary of Questions to Ask What is a good design for our needs?What is a building code? Does it affect us? How does it work? What doesnt it do?Who is responsible, overall, for my building project?What are good sizes and proportions for rooms? What style do I want?What am I really getting from the builder?What problems do I have in my current house that I dont want to repeat?Where can I find answers and help? How do I make my desires known?What does that line on the drawing mean?What is a dispute? What is a lien?What are specifications? Does the builder write and provide them?What if my builder does something in a way I dont like? Is the house going to be complete? Will something be left out?When will the house be finished?What is a contract? How do I play a part in it? What does it say?What is an extra?Is that a good material? Ive never heard of it.Can I change things?Who picks the color of the paint, wall coverings, tile, type of wood, siding?Is landscaping included and what form does it take? Sod? Seed? Mud and rocks? Slopes? Are landscape features guaranteed? What if I disagree with the builder? Can I stop the work?Am I allowed on the job site? Can I inspect the work as it goes up? Can I bring someone with me?I really want this xyz in the house. How do I get exactly that?I can buy the light fixtures from my brother, but who will hang them? What do I do?Should I close on the mortgage and pay the builder in full? I have several items that I dont like. Must I still close?Why do we have to make all these trips to pick things out? About the Author, Ralph Liebing Ralph W. Liebing (1935–2014) was a registered architect, a lifelong teacher of code compliance, and the author of 11 books on architectural drawings, codes and regulations, contract administration, and the construction industry. A 1959 graduate from the University of Cincinnati, Liebing taught at the University of Cincinnati School of Architecture and the College of Applied Science Technology at Illinois State University. In addition, he trained carpenters union apprentices, directed classes at community education programs, and taught architectural technology for Daytons ITT Technical Institute. He practiced architecture in both Ohio and Kentucky. Liebing published many textbooks, articles, papers, and commentaries. He was a fierce advocate for not only enforcing specifications and codes but for design firms to engage owners in the process. His publications include Construction of Architecture: From Design to Built, Architectural Working Drawings; and The Construction Industry. In addition to being a Registered Architect (RA), Liebing was a Certified Professional Code Administrator (CPCA), Chief Building Official (CBO), and a Professional Code Administrator. Ralph Liebing was a pioneer in creating useful, professional web content of lasting quality.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Using antibiotics on dairy herds. Im going in favor of this process Research Paper
Using antibiotics on dairy herds. Im going in favor of this process - Research Paper Example About 1.3 million human clinical salmonellosis case and more than 500deaths that are associated with this salmonella may occur annually in the US alone. Therefore there is a need to use antibiotics in daily herds to control these strains most of which are drug resistant to reduce these effects from the daily products to humans. The use of antibiotics has over the time portrays success in controlling diseases and other pathogens from the daily herds to humans. A study by Church et al, (4220) concerning the treatment of intra mammary infections that were infected by minor pathogens such as Corynebacteruium boris portrayed that that though dry milk periods aided in milk production, there were no considerable effects on milk production related to udder health in short dry period and long dry period, treatment of the intramammary infections could only be treated using antibiotics. The use of antibiotics has therefe been considered and found to be the most effective methods through which bacterial infection in both daily and other herds can be approached with due to the growing resistance of some bacterial strains. These strains continually develop resistance to major drugs in the market. Hartzell et al (763) explain that the Escherichia coli 0157:H7 was first recognized as a food borne pathogen in 1982. This or ganism has spread over time and is highly virulent and can lead to debilitating and deadly disease that include hemolytic uremic syndrome (Relay et al 1983 as quoted in Hartzell et al, 763). This organism does not have an effect on cattle though it colonizes the intestinal tract of cattle. Such organisms are passed to humans though fecal matter, ground beef, raw milk, lettuce spinach and other related plants that cow dung may be used as a fertilizer. Sanderson et al (781) argues that Salmonella causes gastrointestinal illness in both livestock and humans. This is another
Friday, October 18, 2019
Elements of Religion and Alternative paths Essay
Elements of Religion and Alternative paths - Essay Example To begin with, one should point out that I consider myself to be a Christian. That is why I participate in some of the rituals that are characteristic to this religion. For example, I was baptized. In spite of the fact that I was too young to do make a conscious decision about it, at the present moment I consider this to be an important even in my life. I also go to services from time to time which means that I participate in rituals that were established by my religion. In addition to that, my religious belief manifests itself in a widely developed ethical system that allows me to find correct ways to behave in some of the most difficult situations. Indeed, whenever I am faced with a choice which involved many different aspects to consider, I judge the decision that I would like to make against ethical guidelines that are preached by my religion, determining if I will be able to comply with them in case I make a particular decision. I would like to note that there were many instance s when my religion allowed me to choose the best option. Finally, it would not be a mistake to argue that community as well as the sense of it plays an important role in my religion. Thus, I primarily see the latter is a shared ground for different people to unite and work out a common understanding of the world that can hardly be explained in a one dimensional way. If one takes a close look at my religious belief, one will be able to see that some of elements of it outweigh other. For example, I put big emphasis on practical (ethical system) and social aspects (community), while the central myths that are promoted are not as important for me since I acknowledge that their major function is to create symbolic value. In other words, I am far more interested in elements that are able to help be on a daily basis, rather than some abstract notions that differ my religions beliefs for other. Now, it may be quite suitable to turn to the
The soul is the prison of the body (Foucault, 1979). Critically Essay
The soul is the prison of the body (Foucault, 1979). Critically examine the argument that psychology is a performative practice - Essay Example Children are introduced to certain social activities that they slowly pick up and can adapt. For instance, introducing a young child gradually to a certain religion, taking them to language classes, or showing them a particular sport that they should play. All habits that are instilled into the young child are indeed integral to how he will grow and develop mentally. The child will perceive life in a certain way and consider things using a particular thought pattern that is different (Walsh et al., 2014). This is how performative psychology comes into play as the child is programmed to take up a particular role. It is a proven fact that by regularly practicing something, one will develop such things into his personality. This is why different people have different characters. This is because by doing certain things over a period; they eventually pick that up in their personalities and become what they constantly do (Butler, 2009). It all has to do with performing or playing a particular role. With time, one finds that it is a habitual thing and a part of his personality. This is how performative psychology comes into play. Every part of a person’s personality is gradually introduced into them through their thinking pattern. A practical example, for example, is from the television programmes that bring children up watching. Many children from the 70s, 80s and early 90s watched many kids shows. One of these was the Sesame Street programme. It was a programme where the children learnt many concepts in simplified methods. Characters such as Big Bird, Elmo, Miss Piggy, Kermit, Ernie, Bert and many others, influenced the children. Each of these characters played a particular role and taught the children certain values or introduced them to a certain way of thinking. The children were probed about certain things like ability to count, ability to recite the alphabet
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business Strategies and Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Strategies and Decision Making - Essay Example Several authors have observed a consistent pattern in strategy development and there is no empirical doubt that managers are for it (Higgins, 2013:30). Managers in various organisations, as evident in several publications, agree that it is not easy to hold together all the components of an organisation if a well-patterned strategy is not developed. The importance of such a plan can be drawn from the point those core goals, actions and policies are integrated into a strategic plan that drives the success of a business-both large and small. Managers though, observe that developing a strategy alone is not sufficient for a corporation to realise its success, but rather, should be a well-engineered plan that brings together and allocates resources equitably in all operations. Nevertheless, all corporations-large or small- need a form of a patterned strategy put in place so as to experience success as other successful firms. The effect of ignoring such plans may result in haphazard resources spending and consequently, lead to wasteful use of the already limited resources. In comparison, large organisations’ strategies are formalised as compared to small-sized ones. However, small sized organisations are of late realising the importance of developing critical strategies that are formal and communicated to staffs. As much as patterned strategy development has been taking centre stage in several organisations, there has a negative counter-development- strategy drift. A business external environment such as competitors, consumers, suppliers among others, is essential to any firm. When a firm fails to respond to such aspects, the condition is termed as a strategy drift. It is not a new phenomenon to find a formally stable business close down as a result of failing to effectively respond in a strategic manner to its external environment (Wild, Wild and Han, 2008:230).Â
Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Report - Essay Example Time management is integral to a manufacturing process and this is reflected in the way shop level facilities are created to ensure minimum loss of time in looking for a raw material or a tool or a component or a spare part. In other words, for all in-house manufacturing and assembly operations, project layout is synonymous with supply chain management. Layout of a manufacturing facility is a comprehensive exercise involving movement of incoming and outgoing materials and successive stages of processing. Incoming materials may be raw materials and/or semi-finished items and outsourced components/subassemblies. Outgoing materials are usually the finished products duly packed for delivery. The manufacturing process itself generates waste and scrap which are to be collected and disposed in a planned manner. Depending upon the type of operation at each stage in a manufacturing process, the layout is finalized in a variety of ways like a work center or a manufacturing cell or an assembly line or a continuous process etc. The layout designer keeps in mind the flow of materials in these stages while determining the space and facilities. While a centralized purchase and stores management takes care of timely availability of all incoming materials, sub-stores are organized at the floor level as per production plans. In a work center, these stores cater to the raw materials, tools and consumables while in the assembly line, they are used for components, subassemblies or bought out items. Continuous processing lines also have shop level stores for incoming materials, consumables, and essential spares. Organizational set up ensures availability of materials in the sub-stores at the floor level as per production plans. Economic analysis is the basis for ‘make or buy’ decisions and invariably a substantial amount of outsourcing happens in all manufacturing processes. Suppliers are very important part of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Business Strategies and Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Strategies and Decision Making - Essay Example Several authors have observed a consistent pattern in strategy development and there is no empirical doubt that managers are for it (Higgins, 2013:30). Managers in various organisations, as evident in several publications, agree that it is not easy to hold together all the components of an organisation if a well-patterned strategy is not developed. The importance of such a plan can be drawn from the point those core goals, actions and policies are integrated into a strategic plan that drives the success of a business-both large and small. Managers though, observe that developing a strategy alone is not sufficient for a corporation to realise its success, but rather, should be a well-engineered plan that brings together and allocates resources equitably in all operations. Nevertheless, all corporations-large or small- need a form of a patterned strategy put in place so as to experience success as other successful firms. The effect of ignoring such plans may result in haphazard resources spending and consequently, lead to wasteful use of the already limited resources. In comparison, large organisations’ strategies are formalised as compared to small-sized ones. However, small sized organisations are of late realising the importance of developing critical strategies that are formal and communicated to staffs. As much as patterned strategy development has been taking centre stage in several organisations, there has a negative counter-development- strategy drift. A business external environment such as competitors, consumers, suppliers among others, is essential to any firm. When a firm fails to respond to such aspects, the condition is termed as a strategy drift. It is not a new phenomenon to find a formally stable business close down as a result of failing to effectively respond in a strategic manner to its external environment (Wild, Wild and Han, 2008:230).Â
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Marketing Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Marketing Management - Assignment Example Coca cola should consider and integrate diverse aspects of demographic environment including changing mixes of age, ethnicity, and variations in educational levels (Martin and John 860). Coca Cola’s marketing in 2014 requires economic analysis exploring international recession and inflation rates. The contemporary purchasing power of Coca cola consumers depends on the current earnings, costs, savings, debt, and consumer spending patterns. Coca cola marketers must take keen note of the shortages in raw materials, increased energy costs and pollution levels (Martin and John 863). Pollution levels of the non-biodegradable coca cola bottles and lids may lead to production and sales limiting by the various states and governments hence the marketers must keenly take note about it. The advancement in technology in 2014 directly affects the sales and marketing of Coca-cola. The internet and other forms of broadcasting media agencies make advertisements easier thereby increasing sales. Marketers of Coca-cola must comply and work within the stipulated laws and regulations regarding business within every country of operation. The various global governments have laws protecting coca cola and other companies from unfair competitions in the market. Individuals in various societies have varying views regarding the Coca-cola drink. The marketers must incorporate the community and individual views regarding the drink in order to be successful in the
A life in the day of Paul Harris Essay Example for Free
A life in the day of Paul Harris Essay I wake up 6:30 a. m. with my light going on and a very loud voice shouting, Get up Paul! Immediately or I will stop you from playing stupid games on your Playstation. (I find this one of my mothers most annoying habits. ) I eventually haul myself out of my bed and stagger to the bathroom, where I transform my self from Ape to human. Laura my adorable (if somewhat a pain), sister, is already dressed and downstairs feeding our cat Bobby. Dad is blocking the stairs putting his shoes on as he advances to work for another day in the bank. Mum is busy juggling the washing machine, the toaster, packed lunch and signing my planner. Just as I think it is safe to come down stairs, to have a tasty breakfast of Coco Pops, my mum would start practicing Opera, for her lesson on Friday lunch time. I dont particularly like Opera, I prefer Punk rock, my favourite band is Blink 182 and my favourite song is, All the small things. The trip to school is fun and exciting with lots of little alloy ways to get lost in. The ride on the train is an exciting but short journey from Hightown station towards Freshfeld station via Formby station. I walk to school from there with my best friend Jamie Hall, who has his hair up spiked and also likes Punk rock. We both share a big interest in computers and we are both going to build a computer individually. School is a mixture of excitement and work (education). This year I have taken a great interest in my education because it is the start of my G. C. S. Es. A time of hard work to get qualifications. I particularly have to work at English, but Im lucky because my English teacher is a good teacher, who teaches the class properly. I enjoy I. T because it is full of interesting facts about computers and when the teachers not looking, I start playing games like Sonic the Hedgehog. Maths is a good subject because I can do the work, at the moment. I sit next to Michael Roberts who can be good fun but gets moody sometimes (we all have faults and mine is that I rush things). At breaks I walk round the school mumbling about computers or games with Jamie. Sometimes I play a game called manhunt with a few of my other friends, like Ashlee Rowe. It is a physical game that involves chasing people and catching them. When it is time to leave school, I wait for my friend Allister in year ten, (we live next door to each other). We get the train together; Allister is more obsessed about computers than I am, but he adores games and I love all aspects of computers. When I get home, my homework comes first before any thing else, so I do it, have something to eat, before my horrible task of ironing my Army cadets uniform. I go to cadets with a friend from school called Danny; He can be a bit strange at times because he makes noises with his mouth. Cadets is enjoy full because I love the Army and the activities I do (Im not the best at shooting because Im short sighted). I think The Army will be my career as an officer or I might join the navy, as an engineering officer. For now I will think I will stay who I am. When dad gets home from a very stressful job, he is usually moody like a bear with a sore head, so I help him buy making him a brew of P. G Tips tea. At tea time I have to gulp my tea down so Im ready for cadets. My friend Chris Caralan picks me up for cadets he is 15 and has recently lost his lance corporal stripe for forgetting to go to annual camp. To night will be a brilliant night because I get to go in the best tank in the world, The Challenger 2. When we arrived at the Army camp it was there, the Challenger 2. A giant monster by its self, a khaki coloured snail with a thick layer of armour like a shell. It had two eyes both sides of the turret to give it character. When one of the officers turned on the engine it roared like a grizzly bear. We got a chance to gone in it and a guided tour. After a long exhausting day I finally get a chance to drop off at the land of nod.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Using a Pencil for Drawing
Using a Pencil for Drawing DESCRIPTION: A pencil is an instrument that you can use it for writing or drawing. People use pencils in the schools, offices, houses to write anything they want on a white sheet of paper. By moving the pencil on this sheet of paper using your hand you can make marks with different shapes and different sizes. Since you are able to draw this marks, you can control the way you move the pencil and draw a variety of shapes and write a specific word by any language. The Pencil has the shape of a narrow cylinder, it also looks like a pipe or a thin piece of wood. It made in that shape to be easy for use, also to hold and grasp it easily, and to control your handwriting. Pencil components are made of different materials, and each part has its own job. There is another type of pencil called the mechanical pencil which has complex components than the wooden pencil since it works by metallic parts and requires a different method to use it.  The components of the wooden pencil The graphite (lead): graphite is the most important part of the pencil since it is the material that produces the marks or the writing on the paper. Graphite is made of carbon and it is the inner part of the pencil, and you can find it in difference sizes. The difference in sizes is giving a difference in the color degree. The lead scales are (0.3mm, 0.5mm, 0.7mm,etc) it also can find as (HB, B, 2B, 3B,etc) as the numerical scale get higher the lead get harder and the mark get darker. Number 2 pencil is the standard degree of graphite which is using in most of the countries such the U.S. The wooden body: the wooden cylinder that covers the graphite is made of wood that must be hard and must be able to resist bending and stand for a long time without any cracks. It also must be able to sharpen easily to give you the perfect mark. This wooden piece protects your hand from touching the graphite. It covers with a thin skin of color that gives it a good appearance. The Eraser: you can find the eraser in the bottom of the pencil. This soft part has the ability to erase what you have written on the white sheet. The eraser is made of rubber and has difference colors. You can also buy a separate eraser and use it since the pencil eraser is small and it may consume in a short time. Metal ferrule: this small piece of metal has the shape of a cylinder and it surrounding the end of the pencil and the eraser. It also secures the eraser, and it made from aluminum.  FIGURE 1: Pencil Components Operations: The process of using the pencil for writing or drawing is so easy since you start practicing it, it should be easy for you. You will also learn different techniques of using the pencil, and how to control your handwriting. Step 1: first you have to choose the right pencil. Since pencils have different shapes and sizes and different qualities. Based on your activity you will be able to choose your pencil and determine which number is appropriate for you. Step 2: second you have to sharp the pencil using a pencil sharpener. A sharpener is a tool that has a small razor and has a hole to put your pencil in, and then turn the pencil left or right to get the graphite out of the wooden body. Step3: to use the pencil easily, you have to hold it the way you fill comfortable with. Whether you are left handed or right handed, the common way to hold a pencil is to grip it with your thumb, middle, and index fingers. If this method doesnt fit you, you may try another method until you get a perfect way. Step4: to write on a white sheet of paper you have to press down with an angle using the pencil. You shouldnt put much pressure on the graphite since its very thin and it may break. Try to start with straight marks, and then try to draw some shapes like squares, circles, and triangles. In order to master writing with the pencil, you have to practice every day. Safety precautions: The Pencil is a writing tool which shouldnt be used for any other activity. The graphite (lead) in the pencil is a toxic material which may be dangerous if you applied it to your body. Dont use the pencil to write or draw on your skin or your clothes Dont use the pencil while cooking or preparing food. Dont use the pencil for any medication activity. Dont put the pencil in your mouth, and dont try to chew or nibble it. Dont try to harm someone using the pencil. Always wash your hands after using a pencil.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The birds :: essays research papers
In the course of this film we see Melanie develop as a person through confronting the things she fears. Melanie confronts many fears through the course of the film and grows as a person as the film progresses. She goes through a lot in the film and the story implies that she has found herself by the end of the film. The story is of course a thriller but behind the thriller is Melanie’s journey. Melanie’s journey is very quick. She was extremely immature and lost at the beginning of the film and is some what grown up by the end. At the start of the film Melanie was very immature and lost. She is very rich and seems to want to do something with her life. She apparently spends time with charity and other activities of the sort. She is a prankster who apparently went skinny dipping in a fountain at Rome. She also wants to teach a miner bird lewd saying to give to her linguistic aunt. She must be very lost and has no direction in life. Through this film she gains a little more maturity. Melanie gains more maturity through the film. She acts like a lost little rich kid at the beginning and through the film she begins to show a little more maturity and self respect. She begins to see who she really is under all the confidence and pranks. She is needed in the film and she needs that responsibility to become a woman. She gains more responsibility and she becomes a woman, at last. The bird attacks give that catalyst that is needed to start her to become a responsible grown up. She needs the birds to let her become the friend of Cathy, the friend of Lydia and the girlfriend of Mitch. She needs the birds to let her become a protector and a great friend of Annie. She becomes a great person because of the love she shows for the family.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress and Swift’s A Tale of a Tub
Although the two pieces express different themes, the allegory entitled The Pilgrim’s Progress, written in 1678 by John Bunyan, and the work A Tale of a Tub, published in 1704, but written earlier by Jonathan Swift have some striking similarities. The most notable similarity is the theme of a journey through life and through Christianity, and the many aspects of the lives of the protagonists. The Pilgrim’s Progress chronicles the adventures of Christian, as he tries to find his way from the city of destruction (the world) to the celestial city, where everything is perfect (heaven), which rests atop Mount Zion.This piece expresses themes of Christianity, and how certain aspects of the religion may help to overcome particular temptations and troubles in the world. Christian, as he travels, has a great burden, which weighs him down, because he had read â€Å"the book in his hand,†(the Bible) which helped keep him out of Tophet, the miserable place (hell). Particula r characters that Christian encounters after he has set out play different roles, and some try to get him to remain sinful, and adopt the ways of the city of destruction (such as the two men he encountered just after setting out on his journey, named Obstinate and Pliable.These men of the world, the city of destruction, represent the weaker qualities of Christian, who is always somewhat tempted to stay in the city of destruction, and forego the path to the celestial city. Through Christian’s travels, which undoubtedly represent the righteous path of life, everyone he encounters offers some form of temptation, whether it be good- leading him to the wicket gate, or bad, trying to keep him in the city of destruction. At the end of his story, Christian arrives in the celestial city.The second part of The Pilgrim’s Progress details the story of his wife, Christiana, and their sons, who have similar, worldly experiences. Also in her story are metaphorically named characters who seek to persuade Christiana one way or another, and they represent the evils of the world and the righteousness of heaven. Jonathan Swift’s A Tale of a Tub also chronicles the lives of Christians (three brothers, who represent main branches of Christianity) but it must be said that the work is quite satirical.In the story are three brothers named Peter (who represents the saint of the same name), Martin (named for Martin Luther), and Jack (who represents John Calvin). Peter’s story marks the chronicles of the Roman Catholic Church, while Martin represents the Church of England, and Jack, the major Protestant sects. In the story, each brother inherited a coat, that had certain features on it, representing features of their religion, and they were told not to alter the coats, but all they do is change them.This represents people who have altered the church or its practices for personal gain. The brothers in the story represent a basic theme that was prevalent in soci ety at the time, which was the celebration of modernization and secularism over classic religion. And this is what connects the two pieces. In each work, the protagonists are provided with temptations that seek to alter or even minimize classic religion, for the sake of different individuals’ worldly gains.But in each allegory were numerous other metaphors and allusions, which represented myths or other stories that helped to explain the writer’s direction in each story. â€Å"A considerable, but by no means the largest or ablest, portion of the work is occupied by an account of the quarrels of the churches, told in the famous story of three brothers, Peter, Martin and Jack,†says an exert from The Cambridge History of English and American Literature.â€Å"representing Roman Catholics, Anglicans and puritans; of the coat bequeathed to them by their father, whose will, explaining the proper mode of wearing it, they first interpreted each in his own way, and then , after many ingenious evasions of it, locked up in a strong box; and of their subsequent quarrels concerning the will and its significance. Throughout, the brothers act in accordance with the doctrine that beings which the world calls clothes are, in reality, rational creatures or men, and that, in short, we see nothing but the clothes and hear nothing but them.†Swift also included in the work the superficial nature of many religious figures. The clothes the characters wore were always being altered, representing manmade changes in the religions, but they also demonstrate that people may show their religion to others first (by â€Å"wearing,†or sporting it) without even being faithful or an obedient participant in the religion. In the satire, Swift seems to side with the original Martin Luther, who was infuriated with the church as it sold â€Å"forgiveness†to sinners. This feature of the church was acquired, and not historically or cardinally supported.It on ly served to improve monetary gain for men of the church, which is much of what happens in A Tale of a Tub. And in Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, the temptations and worldly desires that the characters are confronted with represent the world’s secular impact on the church. The church was always changing, as men of the church felt they could utilize it, and exploit its sovereignty for personal gain, which is what the various metaphorically-named characters that Christian and Christiana encountered were trying to do.Swift and Bunyan’s subliminal criticism of the church and its practices, which were always straying from its ideals, is the greatest similarity between the two highly-metaphorical works that seek to criticize the downsides of religious practice. But the two works also encourage the righteous aspects of reverence. They make very obvious the ways in which religion can be exploited for basic secular gains, and in doing so, by having the character s that exhibit those poor traits somehow villains, the authors signify how one is to correctly remain reverent.In Bunyan’s work, he makes Biblical sin a reality, which physically burdens man when he is righteous enough to recognize that he has erred, and gone against his religion’s teachings. â€Å"As I walk'd through the wilderness of this world, I lighted on a certainplace where was a Den, and I laid me down in that place to sleep; and as I slept, I dreamed a Dream,†Bunyan wrote of Christian at the beginning of his allegory. â€Å"I dreamed, and behold I saw a Man cloathed with Rags, standing in a certain place, with his face from his own house, a Book in his hand, and a great Burden upon his back.I looked, and saw him open the Book, and read therein; and as he read, he wept and trembled; and not being able longer to contain, he brake out with a lamentable cry, saying What shall I do? †This is how he sets the stage for the story about a righteous man who is forced to survive in a land of evils and temptations, which seek to destroy his reverence. â€Å"Then Christian fell down at his foot as dead, crying, Wo is me, for I am undone: At the sight of which, Evangelist caught him by the right hand, saying, All manner of sin and blasphemies shall be forgiven unto men; be not faithless, but believing.Then did Christian again a little revive, and stood up trembling, as at first, before Evangelist,†Bunyan wrote in Pilgrim’s Progress, demonstrating how righteousness and reverence to religion, not necessarily to the secular church, can save man and lead him out of evil. This character, Evangelist, represents a truly righteous man of the church, who in every way demonstrates the how to apply the religion’s teachings, and how to refrain from evil.â€Å"The wits of the present age being so very numerous and penetrating,†Swift writes of his own enterprise in writing A Tale of a Tub in the work’s preface, à ¢â‚¬Å"it seems the grandees of Church and State begin to fall under horrible apprehensions lest these gentlemen, during the intervals of a long peace, should find leisure to pick holes in the weak sides of religion. †This notifies his intentions in writing the satire, which was criticizing particular religious practices, which are actually nothing more than exploitations of the original religion.Swift, throughout the work, openly criticizes any change in the three church’s, represented by the characters of the work, as changes only exist as features of the church that stray from the original teachings of the religion. Although Swift’s and Bunyan’s pieces are different, they both satirically chronicle the adventures of characters who are supposed to (but in Swift’s case, they do not) adhere to religious ideals without falling into sin by realizing religion’s secular adaptation.Each work makes clear that the church should remain stable, and th at people who wish to lead a fulfilling life should adhere to reverent practices, and give up irreverent activities and temptations. And in demonstrating how this is done by chronicling the stories of people who struggle between secular and religious lifestyles, Swift and Bunyan have openly criticized some of the church’s (of their times) exploitations of religious teachings for basic secular gains, and how the different sects of Christianity should be uniform in teachings. Works Cited Bacon, Earnest W. John Bunyan: Pilgrim and Dreamer. Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI, 1983., p. 65 George, Timothy and Dockery, David S. Baptist Theologians. Broadman Press: Nashville, TN, 1990, p. 26. Sir Walter Scott (ed. ), The works of Jonathan Swift D. D. , Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin: containing additional letters, tracts, and poems, not hitherto published. With notes, and a life of the author. 19 vols. (Edinburgh: printed for Archibald Constable and Co. ; White, Cochrane, and Co. , a nd Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, London; and John Cumming, Dublin 1814). Webster, C. M. Swift's Tale of a Tub compared with Earlier Satires of the Puritans. Proceedings of the Modern Language Association 47/1 (March 1932) 171–178.
Public Schools Segregation Essay
I was recently struck by one of the political cartoons in the SacramentoBee newspaper, which presented an image comparison of drinking fountains in two schools. It quickly reminded me of the racist Jim Crow laws from the 1880s-1960s and how racial segregation existed almost everywhere in the United States at that time. However, I realize that this cartoon doesn’t portray the concept of racial segregation with a Jim Crow joke, but it makes a commentary on social segregation among public schools in the United States today. I slowly realized that all American public schools are not the same due to funding. The huge difference exists in the public school system because their funding is associated with local property taxes. If a school is located in an affluent area with wealthier residents who pay high property taxes, schools will receive more funding (School Funding 1). Do you think this system is fair? If I ask affluent parents, they probably would answer that they pay high property taxes, so their money should go straight to nourish public schools in their areas. Meanwhile, if I were to ask parents in low socioeconomic areas, they would say that funds should be distributed from the state and not by the county, which would help in reducing the inequality between schools. Although sharing funds is not fair for many affluent people who pay more taxes, we should encourage state governments to aid the poorer schools more because it helps to reduce poverty and prevent crimes in lower income neighborhoods. The first reason that poorer schools should get more funds is to reduce poverty. People in low-income areas might not get the direct effect from school funding, but in the future, their kids will be benefited greatly. For those in the low income bracket, education can be a legitimate way to help them climb out of poverty. However, in reality, most of these poorer schools today are still not treated equally as their richer counterparts. Lisa Black, Chicago Tribune reporter reviewed the vast difference between two public schools in the Chicago area to illustrate this point. The first school, Taft Elementary School in Lockport can’t offer students any arts, language or technology classes because of the limited budget available. Meanwhile, Rondout Elementary School, near Lake Forest, offers language programs such as Spanish in every grade including kindergarten. Most students use laptops in the class, and they can enjoy band and chorus classes. They can choose to study various art, drama and dance as well (Black 1). If poor children had the same opportunity as their counterparts, imagine the growth it could represent to them educational. If they enjoyed studying, they could move on to obtain higher education by attending to colleges, meaning better-paying jobs. Therefore, funds should be available for all people. Young minds deserve the opportunity to choose the programs that they want to study. They should be able to study art and any other subject, as they desire to, regardless of how much property tax their parents pay. In general, I believe that a good education is the foundation that can pave the way to a better quality of life. Aside from reducing poverty, preventing crimes is another reason that poorer schools should receive more funds. Crimes in lower income areas derive from being unable to sustain a decent living. These types of crimes can be directly connected to a lack of education and opportunity. Geoffrey Wodtke, a sociologist at the University of Michigan, mentions in his article that kids in poor neighborhood have less chance to graduate from high school (Wodtke 1). He also states: Poor neighborhoods are isolated and racially segregated, with none of the quality schools, day care, grocery stores, pharmacies, and parks that can help promote a child’s development and academic achievement; and they are disproportionately smoggy, crime-ridden and dilapidated. All of these factors, the researchers note, have been linked to poor performance in school, often culminating in dropouts. (1) Wodtke claims that poor neighborhoods affect school performance, and this can impact a child’s learning directly. Some children quit the schools because they have no interest in schooling. Dropping out is and having no high school diploma will limit a job opportunities. When they are not qualified for many jobs, they can’t escape the pitfalls of poverty. Therefore, some of them end up finding illegal ways to make money while others affiliate themselves with gangs (Wodtke 2). This is the reason why school is so important, because it is a good place to start children on equal footing educationally with the chance to better themselves in the future. However, schools in low-income areas still need more funds to afford having a variety of programs such as language, art and sports. Schools also need to be able to hire and retain qualified teachers. Moreover, every school should be able to afford sport programs, which is a good physical outlet for youthful energy and encourages good health and teamwork. Art programs should also be available because they provide an outlet to express creativity. A wider variety of activities and educational alternatives can create brighter and more promising futures if given the opportunities. These children can become doctors, football players or artists in the future as long as they get a fair amount of support from the beginning. It’s difficult to change the living environment in poorer neighborhoods, but we can start by improving the school system to reshape the future of that community. Some people think that pouring money into poor schools is wasteful. They believe the reason schools become poorly performing ones is because they are full of under-achieving students who lack interest in the curriculum. Even if some schools get more funds, it will not change anything. It’s like treating symptoms, but not starting at the root of the problem. They believe that the government should provide more funding to schools with higher achieving students who potentially will become successful contributing members of the community. In other words, the state government should invest in the right schools and students. However, I believe this thought to be completely wrong. People who believe this will never know the potential of students in lower-income schools unless they are given a fair and equal opportunity to succeed. If poorer schools receive more funding, they will be able to provide better facilities and a stronger variety in the curriculum. These factors would increase the chances that we see more students grow into productive and successful adults despite coming from lower class surroundings. When every school has the same resources and variety of programs available to their youths, political cartoons like this one will be a thing of the past because the educational system’s inequalities will no longer be a joke. We should call for action on the funding to reform poorer schools because education can help in reducing poverty and crimes in these neighborhoods. Although affluent parents who work harder and pay more property taxes might oppose an idea of distributed funding to poor schools, they should think about economic consequences. If a gap between rich schools and poor schools is still expanding, how can the children of today become responsible adults in the future? If this country is the land of freedom and opportunity for everyone, I should hope that schools would be the first place to start by giving equal opportunities to all children. Poorer schools should receive equal opportunities like those of the children in wealthier communities. Schools should be a sacred place where all children of any social standing are afforded the same opportunities of unlimited educational growth. The more we see children shine in their youth, the more likely they will rise up to become successful in the future and this will help strengthen the future of the United States’ socially and economically.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Criminal Justices Ethics Essay
A few months ago, a woman was brutally raped, beaten and left for dead. Since the attack she remains in a coma. This case has risen to national prominence as an example of how today’s youth no longer respects fundamental social values, television and video game violence has desensitized young men to the consequences of crimes such as assault and rape, and as a demonstration of the inability of the police to keep the streets safe for law-abiding citizens. My partner and I work in the criminal justice system as police officers and handle most of the homicide cases in our area. The publicity from this crime has placed our police department under pressure to send someone to trial for this crime immediately. A gang of young men were spotted in the areas where the victim was found assaulting and threatening people that were passing by. Two members of the gang were arrested. The two members are both male and 14 years of age that both have previous records of robbery and assault. Our obligation as police officers is to follow the policy and ethical standards of our police department and the law, which states, minors must be informed of their legal right to have their parents present during the interrogation and to use videotape during important interviews. However, my partner has pushed his ethical obligation aside and interviews both of the minors while deciding not to contact their parents or tape the interrogation. When I confront him about the policy’s that did not take place he tells me not to worry about it that both minors are guilty as sin and we can close the case. His actions are unethical and don’t not follow the policy of prosecuting the guilty, respecting the rights of the accused, and creating a safe community. Ethics is crucial in decisions involving discretion, force, and due process, because criminal justice professionals can be tempted to abuse their powers (Felkins, 1987). I report this to my supervisor only for him to tell me to trust my partner and go to trial. Both suspects are arrested and bound for trial. Bail is denied. I do not feel good about proceeding with this. The organizational culture represented by my supervisor gives the answer to my partners’ behavior. The supervisor plays a large role in defining organizational culture by his actions and leadership. Both my supervisor and my partner have decided to use â€Å"moral relativism†which is the ethical premise â€Å"that decisions about right and wrong are purely personal and subjective and according to it, whatever anyone claims to be morally acceptable is morally acceptable, at least for that person. They have not thought about the consequences of their actions and how they may be beneficial or harmful from the result. In order to do so one must analyze the issues and make judgments by studying the details of the case, identifying the relevant criteria, determining possible course of action, and deciding which action is most ethical. I will choose to detach myself from the case. I cannot afford to lose my job by not following the legal or ethical standards. Laws have penalties when cases are violated and these penalties can be very severe if you violate legal norms. I believe that both my partner and supervisor have violated legal norms as well as ethical standards. References Felkenes, G. (1987). â€Å"Ethics in the Graduate Criminal Justice Curriculum.†Teaching Philosophy 10(1): 23–26. Ruggiero, V. R. (2008). Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues (Seventh ed.). New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Inflation Control by Government of UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Inflation Control by Government of UK - Essay Example This heaving inflation delayed diverted central banks plus stalled them from lessening interest rates to assist in relieving the credit crunch. In spite of all of the above during January, the depression was expected. The predictions for 2009 are bleak: Alistair Darling declared of late that the government had misjudged the severity of it. On the other hand, a more positive school of reflection says that the nastiest of the depression perhaps might be over. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my professor for all the support, assistance and advice all along. I would also like to thank my family and friends, who also encouraged me and motivated me at every step. This report helped get into the crux of the issue, i was also able to analyze the situation from the government and the Publics perspective. The world economy has been considerably exaggerated by the monetary crisis plus analysis are the nastiest given that the Great Depression. Already, the largest developed countries, notably those where the crisis originated, have entered into recession. Drop over to the supplementary countries was primarily minute; however a lot of bussing economies are currently facing it tough. The suppositions regarding a decoupling of these economies have without a doubt demonstrated off beam. 1.1 The emergent countries: These emerging countries too are facing the influences of the calamity, which will interrupt moreover in a lot cases overturn the accomplishment of the Millennium Development purposes, together with the civilized work for all. This is of fastidious concern provided that, even during the pre calamity phase, the development outlines within specific areas, particularly within the United Kingdom, making way towards the insignificant decline within poverty. The civilized living also working state of affairs still remain out of acess for a lot of individuals .Most significantly, the crisis has made it right through the valid economy by resources of three equally strengthening diffusion channels, explicitly: the restricted accessibility of credit for the working capital, trade funding and feasible investments within the real economy , implying the credit crunch ; vigilant cost decisions, leaning towards the minor side of the yield, service and costs, in turn distressing assurance amongst th e customers and
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Role of high frequency trading in modern financial markets Essay
Role of high frequency trading in modern financial markets - Essay Example High Frequency Trading or HFT used propriety trading strategies which allow traders and firms to conclude transactions within the micro-seconds. With the help of sophisticated computer algorithms as well as other tools positions can be easily taken and closed within seconds or less than a second to take advantage of the smallest movements in the prices of the securities. HFT firms are not only market makers but they offer critical liquidity to the market also. In 2000, the overall volume of HFT was relatively low however, during the recent years, it witnessed an explosive growth. Firms are increasingly relying on HFT to gain required advantage as well as to remain ahead of the competition. The closely guarded algorithms process large volume of data at really rapid speed and offer cost advantage while having smaller portfolio holding periods. Though the overall number of firms using HFT is relatively low however, the overall volume of trade showed erratic trends with rapid increase as well as decrease in the overall trading activity. This paper will discuss and describe what High Frequency Trading is and will further elaborate on the role of HFT in modern financial markets. Modern financial Markets Financial Markets are still under the stress of financial meltdown which started during 2007-2008. With massive breakdown of banks and other financial institutions, the crisis exposed the overall vulnerable nature of the modern financial markets and created an uncertainty over the ability of modern markets to function properly and effectively. Though the major impact of the financial crisis is over however, financial markets are still under the stress. In such an environment, regulatory bodies have developed rules and regulations which did not allow firms to take on the speculative positions and implement proper risk management systems in place. The importance of new parameters of risk became significant specially in the wake of the recent financial crisis wherein reg ulatory bodies became relatively more conscious in terms of erratic behavior of financial services firms. (Aldridge, 24) It is also critical to note that the financial markets have grown more complicated over the period of time. The sheer size and volume of the transactions, the use of information technology as well as development of sophisticated trading and valuation models added more complexity to the overall markets. Despite the fact that the markets operate on the basis of the perfect market hypothesis and all the subsequent theory has been developed on this promise, it is still important to note that many imperfections exist in markets allowing market makers and investors to take advantage of such opportunities. There has been a relentless improvement and development of modern technology which will continue to dominate the present and future of the financial markets at the global level. The development of new technologies has actually created new opportunities which human trad ers may not be able to spot as well as execute. As such, modern financial institutions tend to focus on combining the power of human insight with the speed and efficiency of the modern
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