Saturday, August 31, 2019
Accident, Illness and Emergency Policy for Childminders Essay
The safety of children in my care is paramount and it is my policy to take necessary steps to keep children safe when they are in my care. I will promote good health, will prevent accidents and take steps to prevent the spread of illness and infection. I have a responsibility to all children in my care to ensure that a safe and healthy environment is provided at all times. I hold contact details of parents (or another appropriate person, such as grandparent) at all times, provided by parents and stored securely within the child’s records. I hold written permission from each of the children’s parents in the child’s record form files to enable me to seek emergency treatment for their child if it’s needed. As a registered childminder I am required to notify Ofsted of any serious accidents, illnesses or injuries of any child whilst in my care within 14 days of an incident occurring. I will ensure that my pets are safe to be around children and do not pose a health risk. ACCIDENT POLICY As a registered childminder, I am legally required to have a valid first aid certificate. This enables me to administer basic first aid treatment, and my first aid boxes are clearly labelled and easily accessible and are stored in the outside and inside play-room’s. Parents are asked to sign an accident book if injuries occur whilst in my care. Also if a child should come into my care with an injury of any kind, the parent will be asked to sign the book reporting the injury. Parent/guardian will be contacted immediately. I will use my best judgement as to how other children will be looked after. You would be consulted about this by phone. There is a parent ring round provision in the event of an emergency to inform all parents of children under my care. If an accident or incident involving a child in my care may result in an insurance claim I will contact my public liability insurance provider to discuss my case and be allocated a claim number. This may involve discussing details of the child in my care with a third party. ACCIDENT PROCEDURE In the event of an accident whilst the child is in my care, I will: †¢ deal with any minor accidents. †¢ record all information, including names of witness(es), in the accident book. †¢ request parents, on picking up the child / children, to sign the accident book and read the information regarding the incident. †¢If I am unable to get hold of parents or other named appropriate adult, he/she will immediately be taken to see a doctor at Bishops Waltham Health Centre – or hospital if necessary and I will stay until parent arrives In the event of an accident in the home: †¢ Parents must inform me of any accident at home and record it in the accident at home area of the accident book. Further observation of injury on a child which has not been reported to me by the parent nor occurred whilst in my care, parents will be asked for information on the incident and instructed to write in the back of the accident book. In the event of me being subject to an accident: If I have an accident, I will get the nearest responsible adult to help, while my emergency back-up people are being contacted. I will do my best at all times to make sure the children in my care are safe, reassured and kept calm. ILLNESS POLICY I will do everything I can to take care of your child if they are feeling unwell by comforting them and giving them appropriate medicine you have approved and have signed a declaration permitting me to administer. If I am in need of support or advice regarding a serious illness or incident involving a child in my care I may contact National Childminding Association who will log information regarding the incident with regard to their safeguarding policy. A NCMA designated officer will be assigned to my case and all the information given to them will be kept confidentially unless their appear is to be a child protection issue which will be reported accordingly. ILLNESS PROCEDURE You must inform me if your child has been ill overnight or the previous day. I might have other children I am taking care of and need to ensure your child does not have an infectious illness. Medicines will be kept in a safe place and will be logged in the ‘medicine book’. However, if you child arrives ill, I will take a decision as to whether the child is fit to attend or not. If not, the parent will be asked to take the child home. If your child becomes ill whilst in my care, I will: 1.Contact you for agreement to administer ‘calpol’ (if appropriate and agreed) and if your child remains ill after one hour you will be asked to collect your child and make a doctors appointment. 2.You will be required to keep your child at home until they are recovered so that your child can be cared for on a one to one basis at home. 3.In the following circumstances children may be required to stay at home: Diarrhoea and/or vomiting, a rash, conjunctivitis. 4.If I am unable to get hold of parents or other named appropriate adult, he/she will immediately be taken to see a doctor at Bishops Waltham Health Centre – or hospital if necessary and I will stay until parent arrives Infectious illness: In the event of your child contracting chicken-pox, mumps, measles etc, or a fever or temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit, or 38 degrees centigrade or over your child will not be able to attend under my care and must remain at home. EMERGENCY POLICY Parent/guardian will be contacted immediately. In the event of an accident requiring hospital treatment, I will attempt to inform the parents immediately and take the child to hospital. I will stay with the child until the parents arrive. EMERGENCY PROCEDURE As a registered Child-Minder and trained paediatric first aider, I will ensure that the most appropriate treatment is given or acted upon for your child in my care; however if I have more than 1 child in my care, I will use my best judgement as to how other children will be cared for. Initial action will be reporting the incident to the parent by phone. We practice a parent ring round provision in the event of an emergency to inform all parents of children under my care. If parents do not arrive or I am unable to contact them, I will stay with the child until the appropriate treatment has been given and then return home where your child would be cared for until the arrival of the parent
Friday, August 30, 2019
B.F. Skinner and Radical Behaviorism
B. F. Skinner, as he is known popularly, had made much contribution to psychology as he made confusions and debates. In delving into Skinner’s works, it is not surprising that researching about him and his ideas will overwhelm a student by the immense literature on Radical Behaviorism as well as will be lost in the confusion and humdrum of his â€Å"theory†. Thus, it is important in the narrative that it should be divided into smaller units as to delineate subjects about the whole topic. The first part will deal with a short biography of Skinner.This will only trace his career but will also include some sketches of his life that may have contributed to his line of thought and thinking. Presented in the next section are some ideas about his Radical Behaviorism and a rather shallow understanding of it. The difficulty in here however is that as one goes deeper into Radical Behaviorism, the more it is complex and confusing that the brevity of this paper will not permit. The third part is the presentation of some of the influences Radical Behaviorism had made in other fields of study.Many authors and many scholars would claim that Radical Behaviorism had influenced their fields, although only some of these fields will be presented. On the next section, a presentation be made on the criticisms on Radical Behavior. With a gigantic amount of literature written by B. F. Skinner, it is in no doubt that there will also be a great amount of published criticisms on Radical Behaviorism and only a few have made their way here. As a whole this paper will not be an ambitious research about B. F.Skinner and Radical Behaviorism but just to answer on the surface as: (1) Who is B. F. Skinner? ; (2) What is Radical Behaviorism? ; (3) What are the fields of study influenced by Radical Behaviorism? , and; (4) What are the criticisms directed towards Radical Behaviorism and to B. F. Skinner in particular? Biography Burrhus Frederic Skinner was born in Susquehanna, Pennsyl vania in March 20, 1904 (Hall, Lindzey & Campbell, 1998). His mother was an intelligent and strong housewife and his father, a modest lawyer practicing in the area (Vargas, 2004).According to Hall, Lindzey & Campbell (1998) as well as Vargas (2004), Skinner lived his early life with much warmth and stability – his parents giving him much freedom on discovery and his inventiveness. As Skinner’s daughter, Julie S. Vargas (2004) would attest that her grandmother gave her father the freedom to discover things and to develop his abilities. On the other hand, she was also strict in social matters, such as etiquette, and the young man devised many things to help him remember his mother’s social controls (Vargas, 2004).Nonetheless, the family gave emphasis on open debate over things and topics, although they have some conservative stance on certain things. With an interest on Literature, having been encouraged by Robert Frost, Skinner attended a small liberal arts schoo l of Hamilton College where he majored in English, determined to become a writer (Hall, Lindzey & Campbell, 1998). He was not successful though in writing, then he left home for New York and went to Harvard University for graduate studies (Vargas, 2004).In 1931, he received his Ph. D. and moved to the University of Minnesota in 1936 for an academic position, where for 9 years he would claim and establish a name as one of the most influential experimental psychologists of that time (Hall, Lindzey & Campbell, 1998). He then went to the University of Indiana for a short stay, in 1945 and returned to Harvard in 1948 to stay for the duration of his entire career until his retirement in 1974, where he would enrich all his ideas and theories (Vargas, 2004).Finally, on March 18, 1990 one of the most celebrated and controversial psychologists of all time died of leukemia, leaving behind a â€Å"ripple effect of his life’s work†as the â€Å"Operant procedures have crated entir e fields [of science]†(Vargas, 2004) Radical Behaviorism Radical Behaviorism is a term attributed to B. F. Skinner (Schneider & Morris, 1987), described as a distinction from the so-called Methodological Behaviorism and the â€Å"rest of psychology†(Malone & Cruchon, 2001). To contrast the two kinds of behaviorism, it is noteworthy to define both.By definition, Methodological Behaviorism is the: †¦view that there is a distinction between public and private events and that psychology (to remain scientific) can deal only with public events †¦ private events are ‘mental’ and, therefore, beyond our reach †¦ the â€Å"arid philosophy of truth by agreement†(Skinner, 1945) [that] something is meaningful or objective only if at least two observers agree on its existence. (Malone & Cruchon, 2001) According to Skinner’s viewpoint, Radical Behaviorism is quite different because, â€Å"it does not distinguish between private and public events.In so doing, it omits nothing commonly thought of as mental, but it treats ‘seeing’ as an activity similar in kind to walking (Malone & Cruchon, 2001). This is because Skinner â€Å"deny the mind/body dualism of the mentalists and the methodological behaviorists†(Malone & Cruchon, 2001). As an example, Malone and Cruchon (2001) succinctly described that: Thinking is something that we do, just as is walking, and we do not think mental thoughts any more than we walk mental steps. Personal experience is not necessarily ‘private’ experience.That part of the world within our bodies is difficult to describe because society has a difficult time teaching us to name it. (Malone & Cruchon, 2001) In other words, Skinner departed from analyzing behaviour as actions affected by our thoughts rather he argued that thoughts are effects themselves to a degree from our actions (Malone & Cruchon, 2001). With the term behaviorism attached to his ideas, he was as sociated with the Stimulus-Response Theory, but he repudiated it (Hall, Lindzey & Campbell, 1998) because accordingly his study of behavior should be:†¦redefined as studying the interactive relationship between an organism and the environment in which it behaves. The past and present environments provide the stimuli that set the occasion for behavior, and the organism’s actions operate (hence operant) on the environment. Actions have consequences, and these consequences shape the behavior of the organism. (Leahey, 2003) In addition, Skinner said that in Radical Behaviorism, it is not about the stimulus-response stance because:Instead of saying that the organism sees, attends to, perceives, ‘processes,’ or otherwise acts upon stimuli, an operant analysis holds that stimuli acquire control of behavior through the part they play in contingencies of reinforcement. Instead of saying that an organism stores copies of the contingencies to which it is exposed and la ter retrieves and responds to them again, it says that the organism is changed by the contingencies and later responds as a changed organism, the contingencies having passed into history. (Skinner, 1987)That is, â€Å"All operants and stimuli are members of classes of similar phenomena, defined by the environmental relations in which they participate. †(Ritzer, 2005). This is further said in the article Evolution of Verbal Behavior as: †¦species-specific behavior did not evolve in order that a species could adapt to the environment but rather evolved when it adapted, so we say that operant behavior is not strengthened by reinforcement in order that the individual can adjust to the environment but is strengthened when the individual adjusts.(Skinner, 1986) This is to say that Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism rests on the study of behavior in a sense that behavior is not caused by the stimuli but depends on the actions that a person reacts to in a certain setting (env ironment) resulting into another reaction, thus; â€Å"The environment not only triggered behavior, it selected it. Consequences seemed, indeed, to be more important than antecedents. †(Skinner, 1987). Some Influences by Skinner’s BehaviorismSurely, the influence of Radical Behaviorism in the applied fields has been proven by academic scholars in numerous research writings as part or a whole of some other fields in psychology. One such field is Human Geography, so called because it is â€Å"concerned with the spatial differentiation and organization of human activity and with human use of the physical environment†(Norton, 1997) and is concerned mainly of human behavior in an environment.In here, Norton (1997) corroborated that Human Geography is related to Radical Behaviorism because the principle of cultural materialism as an approach to the study of the former is similar to latter as: Radical behaviorism is concerned with the identification of the principles of individual behavior and talks about reinforcers and punishers, while cultural materialism is concerned with group behavior and talks about benefits and costs. Both argue that behavioral responses to environmental variables precede mental rationalizations as to the reasons for responses.†(Norton, 1997) Norton (1997) further adds that the research approach of Human Geography is â€Å"the analysis of behavior in landscape†, advocating the use of Radical Behaviorism. Secondly, it has also influenced the approaches of the analysis of Human Cognition as Barnes and Holmes (1991) would contend. This is because, they said that, â€Å"radical behaviorism does, on the contrary, and as opposed to earlier forms of behaviorism, direct considerable attention towards phenomena called ‘cognitive.’†(Barnes and Holmes, 1991), giving credit to the importance of the â€Å"contextualistic perspective†in the analysis of human thought. Further, they said that, â€Å"its current burgeoning of interest in human behavior, and particularly language and symbolic control, have yet to be fully appreciated and explored†(Barnes and Holmes, 1991), such that Radical Behaviorism, â€Å"can play an important role in developing psychology into a fully formed science†(Barnes and Holmes, 1991). Third, as formulated by Skinner, one such field influenced by Radical Behaviorism is the analysis of Verbal Behavior and communication.In the study conducted by Forsyth (1996) on the Language of Feeling, he identified Behaviorism as a good approach to such an analyses furthering understanding of the communication process. He said that â€Å"the functional analysis of verbal behavior has served as the cornerstone for behavior analytic research and theory about emotional behavior beginning with how people learn to label and describe their experience using language†, commending its use in clinical behaviour analysis.Fourth, an interesting prop osal of the use of Radical Behaviorism is the simulation or duplication of a community called Walden Two (Cullen, 1991), based on a novel by Skinner of the same title. The interesting part is that this proposal carried out for a community of disabled children having behavior deficits. This community was called Comunidad Los Horcones which was started in 1971 and has continued up to the present, followed the guiding rules based on the novel (Cullen, 1991).Cullen (1991) argued that the guiding principles of Radical Behaviorism can sustain a community, nonetheless the presence o only a handful of these kinds of community make it less probable for practical use. In the outset, the promise that, â€Å"it might provide the basis for sensible planning in the lives of people with learning disabilities†(Cullen, 1991). Criticisms Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism came out into the academic arena without and exemption from criticisms.According to Malone and Cruchon (2001), Skinnerâ €™s over-simplification of in his prose on the principles of Radical Behaviorism to gain public readership caused further criticisms because those who read it misunderstood it further. They said that these criticisms are, â€Å"attributable to the opacity of his prose and the excessiveness of his proposed applications†(Malone & Cruchon, 2001).Thus, the writings of Skinner led to many misconceptions as well as misinterpretations of Skinner’s works (Ruiz, 1995). Skinner have regretted this himself later in his life as he â€Å"eventually complained at having to redress misconstructions in the literature†(Ruiz, 1995). On the other Ruiz (1995), argued that Radical Behaviorism attracted strong objections from feminist critics and listed the following points as basis for that criticism as misinterpretations that it is:(a) a mechanistic stimulus-response psychology; (b) is primarily concertned with the behavior of small organisms in experimental chambers; (c) con ceptualizes the organism as a passive recipient of external forces; (d) denies or ignores innate contributions to behavior in its extreme environmentalism; (e) requires that we fragment behavior down to elemental units of analysis; and (f) deals only with overt behavior and so denies or ignores subjective experience such as feelings and thought. †(Ruiz, 1995)Quite interestingly is that Skinner’s Radical Behavior, undoubtedly had been misconstrued with these â€Å"labels†and had been the source of fierce criticisms from many quarters (Ruiz, 1995). Furthermore, Ruiz’s (1995) first entry in the misinterpretation list about Radical Behaviorism as â€Å"a mechanistic stimulus-response psychology†, was also claimed by Hall, Lindzey and Campbell (1998). In the long run, Skinner suffered misinterpretation rather than the validity of his Radical Behaviorism as a science.All three sources would agree that Skinner was misinterpreted and misunderstood (Malone & Cruchon, 2001; Ruiz, 1995; Hall, Lindzey & Campbell, 1998), because his readers and supporters as well as critiques always place labels on approaches, techniques or methods of analyses. Conclusion B. F, Skinner is a remarkable scholar of the 20th century, having to influence a handful of fields of study. In retrospect, Skinner started out with a humble beginning and his upbringing may have contributed to the immense power of thinking.His Radical Behaviorism, was an attempt of Skinner to delineate his ideas from the whole of behaviorism and the rest of psychology. In such doing, a new breed of approach had taken shape. His ideas on Radical Behaviorism eventually influenced many other fields of study for application and as an approach to many experiments. On the other hand, with such a remarkable approach, B. F. Skinner and Radical Behaviorism had been attacked by numerous criticisms simply because of its complexity; Skinner himself often over-simplify his writings to cover a wider audience that also caused much confusion and labeling on Radical Behaviorism.Nonetheless, many students and scholars also interpreted and cleared-out his ideas for better understanding such as Malone and Cruchon’s work (2001). Finally, Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism, according to most articles and proposition has a great promise to give for the science of psychology. While it is a fact, as many sources would say, that Skinner’s works are misinterpreted and confused, there is no way that in the subsequent debates and further studies on his Radical Behaviorism that it will shed more understanding to a wider audience.Thus, it is only in the hands and minds of later scholars to interpret Skinner’s work more fully. References Barnes, D. , & Holmes, Y. (1991). Radical behaviorism, stimulus equivalence, and human cognition. Psychological Record, 41(1), 19. Cullen, C. (1991). Experimentation and planning in community care. Disability, Handicap and Society Volume 6, No. 2: 115-128. Carfax Publishing Co. Forsyth, J. (1996). The language of feeling and the feeling of anxiety: Contributions of the behaviorisms toward†¦ Psychological Record, 46(4), 607. Hall, C. S. , Lindzey, G. & Campbell, J. B. (1998).Theories of personality 4ed. New York, N. Y. : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Leahey, T. H. (2003). Chapter 6. Cognition and learning in Irving V. Weiner’s Handbook of psychology volume 1: History of psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Malone, J. C. & Cruchon, N. M. (2001). Radical behaviorism and the rest of psychology: A review/precis of Skinner’s About Behaviorism. Behavior and Philosophy Vol. 29, 31- 57. Cambridge: Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. Norton, W. (1997). Human geography and behavior analysis: An application of behavior analysis to the explanation of†¦Psychological Record, 47(3), 439. Ritzer, G. (ed). (2005). Encyclopedia of social theory volume 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc. Ruiz , M. R. (1995). B. F. Skinner’s radical behaviorism: Historical misconstructions and grounds for feminist reconstructions. Psychology of Women Quarterly Volume 19: 161-179. EBSCO Publishing. Schneider, S. M. & Morris, E. K. (1987). A history of the term radical behaviorism: From Watson to Skinner. The Behavior Analyst Vol. 10, No. 1 27-39. Arkansas, AK: University of Arkansas Skinner, B. F. (1986). The evolution of verbal behavior.Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Vol. 45, No. 1: 115-122. Skinner, B. F. (1987). Whatever happened to the rest of psychology. American Psychologist Vol. 42, No. 8: 780-786. American Psychological Association. Staats, A. W. (2003). Chapter 6. A psychological behaviorism theory of personality in Irving V. Weiner’s Handbook of psychology volume 5: Personality and social psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Vargas, J. S. (2004). A daughter’s retrospective of B. F. Skinner. The Spanish Journal of Psychology Vol. 7 No. 2: 135-140. Madrid, Spain: Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Finance law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Finance law - Essay Example zation of banking and the system of accounts but is not applicable to the relationships between the banking institutions and recipient’s, not loans or between clients settling accounts. The law covers the following subsections, legal regulation of an organization’s income and expenditures. It deals with the budget laws, foreign exchange legislation and the legal grounds of credit in institutions, companies or State. There are several instances in the case study where financial law applies. First, the Northpic bank limited is in the record for providing financing facilities to the Q companies for a number of years in the form of loans. Loan agreements, debentures and letters of credit signed between the two organizations involves documentation, which is a part of financial law (Bamford 2011, P.4). A financial lawyer offers advice to the two companies on local law issues, and from other professional stakeholders. Financial law manifests through the legal grounds of credit set by the signing of the corporate treasury agreement document between Tco and the Q group of companies. A financial lawyer witnesses the signing of the agreement. He or she ensures the execution of the terms in the agreement throughout the contract span of duration. Financial law articulates for honoring and keeping of the agreements through a legal perspective (Ryder, Griffiths, & Singh 2012, p. 344). It is a type of fiscal security to the parties involved. Another instance where finance law is evident from the case study is the Risk transfer process where Northpic transfers risks to the Southpoc. A financial lawyer oversees the signing of the Risk transfer document and files a copy binding the two institutions together. Southpoc deciding that it wants some security and requires Tco to pledge a deposit maintained by Eastpac, another bank requires application of financial laws. Security law is a subsection of the financial law and ensures that the organizations involved in a given financial
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Will They Ever Pull the Plug Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Will They Ever Pull the Plug - Essay Example Elmer’s wife of 50 years, Wilma Beard, is requesting the hospital to remove her husband from the life support system and spare him the torture of living as a vegetable, recognizing no one and being given food by a pipe through his nose. She says that the comma has now persisted for three weeks, and there is no hope of Elmer recovering. Wilma says that having spent 50 years married to him; she is much attached to Elmer and his pitiful condition is causing her a lot of misery. The internist attending to Elmer, Dr. James A. Duncan, does not agree with Wilma and will not remove Elmer from the respirator and let him die. Dr. Duncan has consulted two other specialists regarding the best decision to take, due to the sensitivity of the case. These two, neurologist Morris, D, Lampert and lung man Leopoldo Lapuerta, agree with Dr. Duncan that it would be professionally wrong to remove Elmer from the respirator. Thus, Dr. Duncan has stuck to his decision to keep Elmer alive with the life support system. Wilma Beard’s demand to Dr. Duncan is morally wrong. First of all, Dr. Duncan still has hope that Elmer Beard might recover. Removing Elmer from the respirator would be murder since according to the internist; Elmer has a fleeting chance of recovering from the coma. The fact that there is a possibility for recovery means that Elmer might be able to make the decision himself if he recovers from the comma. The three doctors, Duncan, Lampert, and Lapuerta, are not sure whether Elmer will be able to communicate to some degree if he recovers or not. Therefore, they believe that the most conducive measure is to wait and see. The six weeks during which Elmer has been in the comma is too short a period to conclude that the comma will last indefinitely. Wilma has to be more patient and give the condition more time to see if there will be a change. Objection (1): Elmer Beard’s situation is hopeless. Even if there is some chance of him recovering, he is still
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Nuclear Terrorism - U.S. Military Prevention Research Paper
Nuclear Terrorism - U.S. Military Prevention - Research Paper Example The weapons of mass destruction like the nuclear weapons were also created to find a better solution for the war, to maintain a peaceful environment and to protect the sovereignty of a region. The United States of America is the first country that developed, tested and imposed on nuclear weapons. The results were seen to be drastic and a kilogram of a nuclear matter is enough to make destruction that a more than 20 kiloton of TNT can. Thus a smaller amount of nuclear matter is as much effective as tons of explosives. Thus it is economical, diverse and drastic for a war. However, the nuclear attack was imposed only one time by the United States on Japan and after that, the attack is still not imposed on any other country under any condition. As the human race realized that there is an infinite amount of energy in the nuclei of the atom, many scientists began trying to find solution to extract the massive amount of energy for the civilian as well as military use. However, the first scientist that discovered the method to unstable the nuclei of the atom was ‘Enrico Fermi’ while scientist named as ‘Leo Szilard’ became his second in discovering the immense amount of energy. The more the science developed in the area, the field progressed similarly. However, at first, the technology was not tested to be utilized for the civilian purposes. The energy remained undiscoverable until Hiroshima and Nagasaki were attacked by the United States of America as response to World War 2. The attacks were considered as the consequence of the Japanese invasion and the Japanese attack on the ‘Pearl Harbor’ in ‘1941’. However, the consequences were drastic and no one after the Hiroshima and N agasaki attacks was permitted to impose such an attack on any country under any situation.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Research and prepare an advertising plan Asume you own an advertising Paper
And prepare an advertising plan Asume you own an advertising agency, write that you would share with the CEO of Shazam - Research Paper Example The various platforms in the mobile phone operating systems have also been changing at a first pace and hence the company’s need for an advertising strategy geared to keep up with this dynamism. The main objective is to expand the target market for about 200% within the first half of the period of advertising and even grow it further in the long run. This is to be achieved at a very lean but objective budget estimate of about 2% of the total revenue derived from additional sales or profit. The plan further outlines an evaluation criterion for the proposed advertisement campaign to ensure that all set objectives and targets are met in accordance with the schedule and in line with the rapid changes being experienced in the industry. Shazam entertainment limited is a privately owned company connecting over 250 million individuals to their preferred brand, TV shows and music (Shazam Entertainment Ltd 2). This advertisement plan aims to leverage on this potential and exploit other avenues to ensure that the brand derives further gains in the competitive industry. The multimedia content industry is at the peak of competition today owing to vibrant watching and sharing population that mostly consist of the youth. This has been further enhanced by an ever growing number of social sites that people are able to communicate using tools like voice, text and video chats. In the process of these communications in the internet, the users end up commenting on various things and sharing information that sometimes can be in the form of referrals to some form of -multimedia content. Shazam has a presence in the world’s major cities laden with social media enthusiasts. It is positive to note that it has been positioned to take advantage of the opportunities that come with the ever growing mobile phone platforms that have come to be the single most effective and preferred communication and entertainment tool in the world today. The product was
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Choose from Prompt 1 or Prompt 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Choose from Prompt 1 or Prompt 2 - Essay Example The New York Times was formerly known as New York Daily Times, and was later changed to New York Times. The newspaper’s popularity grew when it first published an article that exposed William Magear, the tweed leader of the city democratic party that brought about the end of the tweed ring in the New York City hall. At the beginning it published news and articles from Monday-Saturday, but later joined other dailies adding a Sunday edition. Since the newspaper started being published, it has expanded its structure and organization adding special weekly articles, regular news, editorials, sports and features. Currently, it is divided into different sections; these are news, editorials, business, sports of the times, science, style, home, and other unique features.It covers issues relating to politics, social issues, relationships, love and war like the political persuasions, Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Iraq war. Because of its constantly declining rates in sales that were attributed to the rise of alternative media and social media, the newspaper has over the years experienced downsizing, hence offering buyouts to workers and cutting expenses. Despite its credibility in the world, The New York Times has had discriminatory practices that restricted women in the editorial positions. In Februar y 2013, the New York Times stopped giving a lifelong position for the journalists and editors. The New York Times targets the young generation, that is mostly people less than 30 years of age. Approximately over half of them are college graduates and about a quarter are high income earners.. The newspaper magazine directs its content towards people who are well-educated, literate, who are in professional jobs. The New York Times new entry level aims at the young people, who are a more internet young audience. Another new edition is The New York Times Juniors edition, which targets the very young generation and college
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Decision Making Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Decision Making - Term Paper Example Although different concepts on the theoretical framework for decision making have emerged, the standard decision-making model used in organizations focus on the rational model involving â€Å"a cognitive process where each step follows in a logical order from the one before†¦ (and) it is based on thinking through and weighing up the alternatives to come up with the best potential result†( 1). On the other hand, authors Ticha, Hron and Fiedler wrote an article entitled â€Å"Managerial decision making – importance of intuition in the rational process†published in the Agricultural Economics Journal which aimed to determine the role of intuition in the decision making process (Ticha, Hron and Fiedler). In this regard, the purpose of the paper is to choose a real life problem that have either been noted or where one has been a part of and analyze it using one of the theories or ideas discussed in the text or in class. The discours e would analyze the decision making process by linking it to theories and concepts discussed to derive a deeper understanding of both the problem and potential solutions through increased knowledge of administrative behavior in organizations. Organizational Problem One has learned from a friend previously employed in a health care organization of a decision making process that involved both the rational model and intuition. By intuition, Ticha, et al. ... involves the manifested difficulties of nurses managers to comply with their responsibilities that involve not only patient care but complying with documentation and reportorial obligations. According to nurse managers, the need to do some administrative and clerical tasks divide their focus on patient care, causing lower productivity and performance. Other symptoms of confounding problems are exemplified through back-logs in complying with monthly reports on status of medical equipment and supplies under their jurisdiction, performance evaluations of nurses, and scheduling vacation leaves and trainings for nurses. Alternative Courses of Action and Analysis of Options Using the rational model of decision making, since the problem has already been identified, the alternative courses of action were enumerated by department managers for presentation to the Vice President of Nursing and to be forwarded to the President and CEO for approval. The different options presented were as follows : (1) Status quo or do nothing, by forcing the nurse managers to comply with both adminstrative obligations and patient care. The advantage of this option is that there would not be any displacement or changes that could possible be met by resistance and difficulties in implementation. The disadvantage of this alternative is contined backlog in reports that could be significantly detrimental in the long run since the accuracy in information for performance of personnel, inventories of equipment and supplies and scheduling of vacation leaves are lacking, there are strong possibilities for insufficient supplies, demotivated staff and delayed promotions. In addition, patient care, which is of utmost importance would likely suffer as well. (2) Review the responsibilities of the nurse managers
Constructing an Argument from Multiple Sources Essay
Constructing an Argument from Multiple Sources - Essay Example The environment comprises of the settings and conditions where man, animals and plants operate. Because every person shares it, it is our obligation to ensure that it is safeguarded and maintained. Presently, the environment is threatened by human beings who live in it. Global warming is causing the polar ice caps to melt risking the existence of the habitation present there. This means that people have to willingly opt to embrace a new lifestyle so that the environment can be preserved. For instance, people can endeavor to employ less energy conserve resources that are nonrenewable as well as minimize the negative consequences that are already on earth. In his book dubbed, â€Å"life after a year of not using toilet paper†Colin Beavan supports this argument by revealing how he spent an entire year without having any impact on earth and living a life that is purely eco effective (Green para 10). A no impact transition meant any transportation that employed fossil fuel powers like taxis, elevators, and subways could not be used. The main consequence that burning fossil fuels has on the environment is the greenhouse effect or global warming. Beavan argues in his book dubbed,†no impact man†, that during the combustion of these fuels, carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere resulting in a number of crises in the environment. For instance, the burnt fossil, releases poisonous gases like sulphuric and carbonic acids which in turn damage the environment. Consequently, this makes the environment produce acidic rain which damages the lives of both animals and life. These damaging carbon dioxide results block the proper release of the earth’s infrared radiation. Consequently, this leads to rapid heating and an increase in climate change (Beavan 73). Furthermore, the fuels emitted can erode the ozone layer that safeguards the earth from the deadly sun radiation. Fossil wastes are
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